Chapter Five

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After Pit and I discussed the plan, I ran to my room. Placing a bunch of random things in a suitcase, I tried to fake cry. Man, it was hard. After a while of thinking of sad and painful stuff, I managed to get a few tears to flow.

There was a creak in the doorway, and I quickly glanced behind me.Yes!

"What are you doing?" Dark Pit asked. I faced away from him and sniffled.

"P-Packing up m-my things," I managed to fake a shaky voice.

Footsteps let me know that Dark Pit had stepped closer to me.

"Oh..." he pretended not to care. "...Why?" he asked quietly.

"Because I hate it here. I mean, nobody likes me. You heard Pit. I'm just a stuck-up brat," I wiped away a tear and continued to "pack".

Dark Pit sighed. Then I felt arms wrap around me, and I gasped. Dark Pit was hugging me!?!?

"I'm sorry. I made it all up, okay? Pit does care about you," he was going to say more, but he stopped when he heard me laughing.

"Bwahahaha! Ohmygod! You actually fell for it!" I wiped another tear away and clutched my stomach, laughing like a maniac.

Dark Pit's face turned beat red.

"Fell for what?" he snapped.

"I'm not leaving! I know everything you said was fake! I guess now we're even. Oh, and I figured out your little secret," I said, smirking at him.

"What secret?!?!" he looked at me with wide, angry eyes.

"Your little crush," I giggled and brushed passed him.

"PIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dark Pit flew past me and into the guy's dorm.

Laughing some more, I walked into the student lounge and sat on the couch. Most students were out eating dinner or hanging out, so no one was in the lounge.

Before I knew it, my eyes shut and I was passed out.


Someone shook me awake. I mumbled a 'leave me alone' and glanced at my watch. My eyes widened. It was almost ten!

Looking up, I locked eye with Dark Pit. I sat up and scooted over. He sat beside me.

"So..." I said, not liking our awkward situation. Dark Pit sighed.

"Can you just forget how I acted before? Yanno...Like a jerk," he stared at the floor.

"Hmmm, I don't know..." I looked at him. "I might could...If you prove to me you're not a jerk who I should hate," A small smile crossed his face.

"I could do that," he stated. "Well, I'll see you tommorow. You better get to bed before you fall asleep again," Dark Pit got up and walked to the guy's dorm.

That night I slept better than I had in years.

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