Chapter Six

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The next morning I woke up late. My clock read 11:47 a.m.

"Oh, you're finally up," Peach said, walking in our room. I sat up and stretched.

"Yeah," I sighed. "I need to take a shower. I'll be back," I grabbed a pair of clothes and walked to the bathroom. No one was in there, so I went ahead and showered.

As soon as I walked into the student lounge, Dark Pit came up to me.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Pit. We're going outside of campus to fight enemies," he looked at me, hopeful.

"Uh...I don't have a weapon," I looked at the floor.

"I have one you can use. Come on," Dark Pit grabbed my hand and led me outside. Pit met us at the school parking lot.

"How do we get there?" I asked.

"There's a path that leads to it. It's not a far walk," Pit led us onto a dirt road.

We walked for about ten minutes, ending up in a large field. Grassy hills and trees filled the scenery.

"Here," Dark Pit handed me what looked like a samurai sword. I took it and observed it. The weapon wasn't too heavy.

As we walked through the field, creatures seemed to appear. Some were small and weak looking. Others had a dangerous appearance.

Pit used his bow and arrow and aimed at an enemy. Dark Pit did the same. I cautiously walked up to what looked like a twisted, monstrous boar. It glared at me, and charged.

Swinging my sword at it, I pierced it's belly. It groaned, and disappeared.

"Great job, Lavender!" Pit called. I looked at him. He smiled and continued to fight enemies. Dark Pit, on the other hand, was walking ahead.

"Where ya going?" I called, following. He slowed down and walked beside me.

"I...Thought I saw something," he squinted ahead of us. I followed his gaze. A few hills over, I found what he was looking at.

It was some kind of creature, but different than the rest. It was tall, and looked like a dragon without wings. The teeth it had were long and sharp. Blood dripped from its mouth.

I stood still, frozen in fear. Dark Pit grabbed my hand, and we took a few steps back. Pit stopped what he was doing and ran up to us.

As soon as he did, the monster looked our way. Even though it was far, it only took a mere twenty seconds to reach us.


Hallo everyone! So, I would update tomorrow or sometime this weekend, but...I probably can't. I'll be busy preparing for highschool. Yay! That's gonna be fun. *cough* sarcasm *cough*

Anyways, I'll update as soon as I can. Til then, enjoy! ^w^

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