Chapter Four

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Pit had been avoiding me for almost a week now. I had enough. Dark Pit must of told him something.

Sitting on the couch, I waited for Pit to come out of his room. We needed to talk.

I was the only one in the lounge. It was pretty early, but I had nothing better to do. After a little while, I almost fell asleep. But my eyes grew wide when someone cleared their throat behind me.

My head spun around, and I gasped at who I saw. Dark Pit crossed his arms and leaned against a wall.

"What do you want? And what's up with Pit?!" I questioned him. He laughed.

"Don't you get it? Pit wants nothing to do with you," Dark Pit shook his head.

"Prove it," I spat.

"Fine," he held out his phone. "Here's a video I took the other night after me and him talked," Dark Pit practically threw his phone at me.

Hitting the 'play' button, my heart broke at what I saw. Pit was on his bed, rambling on about someone.

"Ugh, talk about annoying! She always thinks she's better than everyone else. She's just a snotty, selfish brat. Sometimes I think she's worse than the Underworld Army. I can't believe-" I stopped the video and tossed it to Dark Pit.

"Seen enough?" he smirked.

"Of a freak who's always trying to mess with me for some reason? Of a moron who thinks I like his brother? Of someone who is always botherinn me? Yeah, I HAVE." I snapped and ran outside, my face now streaming with tears.

What did I do wrong? Why was Dark Pit always ruining my life? I kept on thinking of that video as I ran to the walking trail. But I didn't stop there.

It seemed like hours passed by as I sat on the trail in the middle of the woods. But, really, only half an hour passed.

As soon as I made a friend, some idiot had to come and ruin it.

"L-Lavender? What are you doing out here?" an all too familiar voice asked. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I shoved it away.

"Dark Pit showed me the video," I whispered.

"What?" Pit asked. I jumped up, tears still falling down my face.

"I can't believe you have the audacity to avoid me, trash talk me behind my back, and then come out here and talk to me like nothing ever happened!" He looked confused as I yelled at him.

"...Lavender...I never said anything bad about you...And there's a good reason that I've been avoiding you," Pit said, his voice sad.

"I saw the video!"

"Wha- Oh. Yeah, I thought Dark Pit was acting weird. Listen, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about someone else. You don't know her. Her name's Viridi," Pit looked at me.

"Explain the avoidance," I told him bluntly.

"I-I can't. Dark Pit told me not to tell..." Pit grabbed his arm nervously and looked down.

"Tell. Me. Everything."

"Fine," Pit sighed.

"Dark Pit was jealous. He...Has a thing for you. But, he wouldn't admit it at first. I stayed away so he could get close to you, but he saw you looking for me.

That's when he got really jealous. And that's why he keeps messing with you," Pit finished. I stood there, completely shock.

"Well, let's mess with him. He's gonna have to learn that you can't just hurt someone and expect them to like you," I smiled, thinking of a  plan.

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