Chapter Two

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Once I walked in my room, I saw someone familiar sitting on the bunk bed.

"Oh, hey Lavender! I forgot to tell you in the courtyard that we're roommates!" She smiled at me. I felt bad that I couldn't remember her name.

"Uh...Hey. So, whatcha doin?" I walked to the top bunk and saw her writing in a journal.

"Just writing..." I managed to see a name in it. Her name.

"Well, Peach, I'm going to bed. Night," I said as I laid in my bed.

"Night," she said, turning off the room light but leaving her lamp on.

That night I slept pretty good. Well, except for the fact that I woke up at five in the morning. Knowing I couldn't go back to sleep, I got up.

After making sure I didn't wake Peach, I changed and left the room.

I figured Dark Pit probably wasn't at the walking trail this early. So, that's where I headed. It was chilly out, and I didn't have a jacket or anything.

The school walking trail is pretty long, leading from the campus center, through the woods, and to another side of campus. Most students don't use the trail though. They usually take shortcuts to get where they wanna go.

Today was Saturday, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to walk the whole trail. I mean, we don't have school or anything.

The sky was still dark. I crossed my arms and tried not to shiver. Walking for ten minutes led me to the middle of the woods.

"You didn't have to meet me this early, ya know?" Dark Pit said behind me.

"I didn't come here to meet you. And why are you here this early?" I turned around to face him.

"Couldn't sleep," he walked up beside me. We continued to walk through the woods.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him. He was silent for a bit before he spoke.

"Pit's not interested," he glanced at me, then look away.

I scoffed. "Excuse me? What does he have to do with anything?" Anger rushed through me.

"It's obvious you like him," he mumbled.

"Pfft. As if," I glared at him. If I was interested in someone, it wouldn't be Pit. Yeah, he was fun and upbeat...But, no.

"Even if I did like Pit, it wouldn't be any of your business," I snapped.

"He's basically my brother! Of course it's my business! I'm just making sure he doesn't get stuck with someone as annoying as you," Dark Pit stopped and looked at me, furious for some reason.

Something inside me snapped, and I shoved him.

"So, basically, you wanted me to meet you out here so you could yell me a guy, one that I don't like, isn't interested in me?!" Yelling, I stormed pass him.

Me, annoying?!?! Please. I don't get in my sibling's love life.

"Freak," I mumbled, walking to the student lounge.

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