Chapter 3

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It was the first day of Senior year for Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead. The sunshine showed, and many kids were excited, while the others thought they were miserable.
Betty and Veronica had little to no classes together, while Jughead and Archie had plenty together.
"Hey !" Jughead said to Betty, approaching her and Veronica with Archie on his side.
"Hey." Betty smiled, letting Jughead kiss her upon her cheek.
Archie and Veronica didn't say a word, and made little to no eye contact. They thought to themselves, is this how it's always going to be ?? Always fighting each other, telling each other not to speak to each other or anything along those lines ?
It was going to be a long last year of high school.
"How're you ?" Jughead pointer to Veronica, as he knew that Archie wasn't going to say anything to her.
"Good, great actually. Anything new with you ?" She pretended to be bubbly and happy, so that Archie could feel the pain that was behind Veronica's lies.
"Well, actually —" Jughead started. "I got a new phone, just a couple weeks ago." He held it up, it was pretty nice, yet on the smaller side.
Veronica smiled and nodded, slightly looking over at Archie who was holding some books and scrolling through notifications on his phone.
"And how about you ?" Betty pressed towards Archie.
Betty used to have a huge crush on Archie, way before her and Jughead even happened, and way before him and Veronica.
"Great." Archie smiled at her, and then looked right back to his phone.
Veronica felt the anger bubbling inside her, which is probably exactly what Archie felt when she totally lied to Jughead about being "great."
"Can we go ?" Veronica blurted to Betty, and then glanced at the two boys who were very confused.
Betty shot her a look, "what ? We still have 4 minutes."
"Please ?!" Veronica pressed on her again, and she felt the urge to just walk away.
Betty kissed Jughead, and gave him a quick hug.
"It was nice seeing you, both." Betty responded before leaving, and Veronica marched right behind her.

Jughead turned to Archie, "seriously man ?"
Archie turned, "what ?" He shot back, annoyance in his voice.
"Grow a pair, seriously. Talk to her. You both have issues, and need to get the fuck over it. It's honestly interfering with me and Betty." Jughead walked away, not looking back or saying anything else.
Archie watched him leave, and shook his head. He looked back to where Veronica left, but he couldn't see her as many new highschoolers piled in the halls and rushing to their classrooms.

First day, included lots of essays about what had happened over the summer. No one really liked writing them, because none of them were truthful about what actually happened.
No one wants to talk about partying, illegally drinking, smoking pot, getting into trouble, or sneaking out all over their essay. That's just, not what you do.
Archie was in his first class, which was a beginning class for almost all seniors. And to think of it, it wasn't that big. Veronica, Betty, and Jughead all had that class too, but they were spread all over to where you couldn't talk to any of them.
Archie thought about Veronica, as his computer sat in front of him with a blank Google Doc for his essay.  He thought about her body, her smile, her eyes, her hair, their little sexy schemes, their little adventures together, when they kissed each other, all of the mushy stuff he missed about her.
Then, he thought about THE day. The day, they both discovered Jason's body out in the water. The day, that pretty much ruined everything for him and Veronica.

Veronica sat in the back. She had about a paragraph of what's happened to her over the summer. Mostly, hanging out with friends, spending time with her mom, and enjoying the free time that the summer gives to you. Many images floated through her mind of the day they found Jason in the water, and she fought the urge to type it so bad. She just wanted to tell someone, someone who could understand, but no one could understand.
She glanced up to Archie's computer in the front, she saw how it was completely blank. She wished she knew what he was thinking, so she could help him. She missed him.
The way Archie's body looked, the color of his hair, his perfect face, his kissable lips all could attract her, even from the back of the room. She wanted him back, but it would never work out. They both needed to move on.

Betty and Jugheads essays were pretty much accomplished. They wrote about each other, every little fun thing they did, their families, their adventures, how they couldn't wait to be back in school and hangout all the time, and they even went on to talk about what it's going to be like after graduation. Which, has nothing to do with summer, but it worked. Jughead was more of a writer, so it was always easy for him, and Betty would just write down what she thought and felt.
The bell rung to go on to the next class, and all the seniors had to submit what they had, and all of them barely had anything IF anything.

The day went on slow, all of the students wanted to get home by now, the first day was always the day you wish you could go back to yesterday, or the first day of summer. No one really talked to each other, unless they were Freshmen or Sophomores.
It hit the last bell to release all the students from school, to go home. And everyone was anxious.

Veronica had all of her books in her bag, and was pacing to reach the outdoors so she could start to walk home. She didn't meet up with Betty or Jughead, because she knew they were being all lovey together. She just wanted to get out.
She glanced down, for only a second, and she was overwhelmed as she clashed with someone else.
She hit her head on his arm, and they both collided. The didn't fall, but they both felt pain.
"I'm so sorry !!" Veronica gasped, looking at the person she hit.
Archie looked back at her, gasping. "It's fine."
"Oh." Veronica said looking at him in the eyes.
"Oh what ?" Archie asked, confused, holding his arm.
"Nothing." She started to say, and started to move away.
"Wait !" Archie said, catching up to her.
"What." She responded, not looking at him.
"Can we please talk ? He asked, touching her shoulder.
She brushed it off. "Not now."
"Are we gonna EVER talk again ?" He yelled.
She continued to walk away, not saying a word.
Archie stopped, and let out a sigh. He didn't no what else to do, or what else would make her happy.
It was the story of their lives.

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