Chapter 4

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It's been a slow first week, it feels like everything's been the same since the first day. No one really talked, or smiled, it was never ending misery. Archie, and Veronica, both haven't spoke since the day they both ran into each other. It was odd, the once lovers that pretty much took over town wouldn't even speak or look at each other again.

Veronica's phone lit up -
"*V, this is Archie.*"
She looked at the text, and questioned if she should answer. It was Saturday, and Veronica lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. She thought about the summer, along with Archie.
Veronica decided to respond to him, knowing what she had to pursuit.

"*Please, let me talk to you ?*"
"*go one..*"
Veronica felt goosebumps on her body.

"*Veronica, you're the only one who's on my mind anymore. And frankly, it's unhealthy. Ever since you've left, there's been a massive hole in my chest. I wish we could've just worked things out together, as we always do. I'm so in love with you, and I almost can't survive without you. Please, talk to me.*"
The words from Archie's text stood in her mind, and left her speechless.
Veronica had always loved Archie, never stopped. The matter was, she could never forgive him, that's what she told herself.
She tucked her dark hair behind her ears, and proceeded to text Archie.

"*look, archie. i loved you. you made me so happy, you made me feel alive, i felt like a princess.. but things changed. honestly, what happened with jason, can NEVER be forgotten. i can't forget what we did, how we left him archie. it haunts me, and even more so that I know it's your fault we left. yours.*"

"*You cannot lay this all on me, V ! You were there to, I may have had the idea, but you held on to the secret for this long too. Stop making me feel so guilty, it was mutual.*"

Archie's words left Veronica angered, her cheeks shot signs of deep pinks and reds in frustration. The fact was, Archie's right. He always found ways to be right. Veronica wanted to hang up, she wanted to end the whole conversation and just go back to her feeling depressed and laying in her beautiful grey sheets all day. Yet, she wanted to tell Betty what had happened in the summer, she couldn't hide it from her anymore.

"* i'm gonna have to tell someone.*" Veronica responded to Archie.
"* Who ? Why ?*"
"* betty, probably. and because I can't hide it from someone close anymore, I can't. it's killing me.*"
Archie didn't type back for awhile, Veronica could feel the frustration he was probably having.

"* Okay.*" was his response, leaving Veronica's heart to thud as she dialed Betty's number in her cell phone, making it much easier instead of having to talk about it in person.

B - Hello ?
V - Yeah Hi, it's Veronica.
B - Oh, hey ! How are you ?
V - Much better, yeah. I'm good. How about you ?
B - Great ! So what's going on ?

Veronica paused, Betty always knew when someone needed to chat or had something that they needed to get out, it was kinda like her 'seventh sense'.

V - I need to talk to you about something, very important Betty. But the big picture, is that you can tell a soul, not even Jughead.
B - Of course ! God, if it's that important I won't tell a soul. Lay it on me, I'm your ears.

Veronica sighed, generating ideas on how to say it in a better way.

V - We were there.
B - You were there ? ... Where ?
V - Me and Archie... um
She cleared her throat
V - When me and Archie were still in a relationship, we happened to take adventures. Many of them, were out in woods, trails, things along those lines.
B - Yeah, and ?
V - Well, one of those places had to do with woods.. but actually water too. Betty, what I'm trying to say is, me and Archie discovered Jason's body a week or so after he passed away.
B - Oh my god.. you're kidding ??!!
V - Not at all.
B - Yeah, but you told the Police and they got it taken care of. It's nothing to be to worried about, V. I'm just glad you're recovered and stuff, it must've been awful.

Tears bottled up in Veronica's eyes.

V - That's the thing Betty, we didn't tell the police. Me and Archie decided to not tell anyone what we seen, and we fled. And it haunted me, and still haunts me today. It was Archie's idea, which was one of the big reasons I broke up with him. I can't like like that, and hold these secrets. I'm really not recovering Betty, not at all.

Flowing tears fell down her cheeks, she took as many deep breaths as she could.

B - Is that why you're so quiet now ? Ha, for a second I thought you were turning into me. But V, there's no reason to be so upset. You were scared, you and Archie. There is no reasons to beat yourself up for that, I feel like a lot of people would be in you and Archie's shoes. You're human, and that's not a normal thing to just see when you're trying to have fun. Don't let it get to you that much, everything is slowly being figured out.
V - Yeah, I understand.
B - But, you also can't continue to get after Archie for it too. He didn't mean to, he was scared, and there's nothing you can do to fix it. He was trying to protect you both, he was being the bigger person.
V - Its hard to forgive though.
B - I bet it is, yeah. But I still would forgive him. You only get one life, Veronica.
V - Okay.
B - Please understand. Please be strong.
V - I will. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for being my listener, and keeping this a secret. It means a lot.

They both hung up the phone without notice, and didn't talk for the rest of the weekend.


Monday morning, it was a bit chilly and the sun poked through only a little. Some kids wore shorts, which was questionable but also may be comfortable for the weather.
Tests were starting to come up in school, and grades were becoming a thing. The one thing you always had to make sure was perfect. School happened to be the perfect hell, a little bit for everyone.
Betty and Veronica met up in the morning by Betty's locker, while Archie and Jughead haven't talked much.
The intercom came over the speakers, and rung over the school before first period started.

"GOODMORNING STUDENTS ! WELCOME BACK TO ANOTHER FANTASTIC WEEK !! Can I please see Veronica Lodge and Archie Andrews in the main office before First Period please ?"

Both Archie and Veronica were confused, puzzled and dazed looks crossed their faces as they met up in the hall.
"Do you have any idea what this would be for ?" Archie asked, sounding concerned.
"Maybe." Veronica said, not looking at him. Fear left little speckled sweat on her forehead.

They swung upon the office doors, and the Principal stood with two police officers. They both turned to see Archie and Veronica, determination spread across their restless faces.

"Please, sit." The principal acknowledged them to sit in two empty chairs. Shivers crawled across their spines, and it felt like hands were gripping against their throats as they couldn't speak, they were lost.
Both of the officers sat in front of each one of them, making sure to look right into their souls, or as it seemed.
The stern first officer spoke. He had dark, grey eyes and no bright smile. His head seemed to shine as he was completely bald, and had no hair.

"Now, tell me. Miss Lodge, Mister Andrews. Tell me what all you know, about Jason Blossom...."

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