Chapter 13

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Archie got out of the hospital as soon as the doctors believed he was good to be on his feet again. For the most part, he was. Things, just were not the same after the kidnapping.
When Archie was put into the hospital, Betty, Jughead, and Veronica called had the police station go down and investigate the little shack that Archie and Cheryl were being held. Luckily, the police managed to get Cheryl to safety. They brought her to the hospital where she was being taken care of. The kidnapper, happened to be no where to be found. He completely vanished.
Archie was home, being properly taken care of. As of most people, he was extremely shaken up and was pulling back to reality. He was eating regularly, exercising regularly, getting himself back.
As for everyone else, they went about the same business as usual. Except, the only person who has gotten in no touch with Archie, was Veronica. She was struggling, a lot.

It's been a couple weeks, the sky was not so dark yet everyone still kept to themselves in their homes. No one would blame them, the kidnapper vanished and could still be out there. Hell, Archie was plucked off the streets in the dead of night.
It was warm, and Archie hadn't really went on a walk by himself in a while ever since the incident.

Archie took a deep breath as he closed the front door of his home behind him, he looked around. It was bright and there was almost no one to be found. That means the kidnapper must be hidden as well, but Archie wasn't extremely worried. He walked.
Down the sidewalk, and completely ignoring the place he was kidnapped as he walked past it with confidence. He wasn't worried, and he was trying to be happy. That's exactly what he was going to do, go get his happiness.
He approached a tall, cream colored house that happened to not be to far from him. Trees lined the sides and bushes made the front look more green. Archie sighed, and ran his hand through his hair as he slowly made his way up to the front door of the home.
He hesitated, and then knocked three times on the door.
The large door opened, and the beautiful face of Veronica peered through the door.
Archie's face lit up as he saw her, she was stunning as always and she always knew how to make him completely blush.
Veronica looked at him, as she saw he was getting his old self back. She was shocked, and bit on her lip frustrated as she didn't know what to say at all.
"H- Hey!" Archie blurted, looking at her kind of awkward.
"Hey Archie" Veronica said quietly, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and looking down slightly.
"How are you?"
Veronica looked at him as he asked and she slightly chuckled, "aren't I supposed to be asking you that?"
Archie chuckled, and nodded a little bit as well.
"I'm doing good V, much better."

They both nodded, and it started to get awkward between the two as they both just looked at each other in silence.
"You could've called, ya know? I would've answered" Archie said, getting serious as he looked in her eyes.
Veronica froze, and her face started to get warm as tears started to build up hard in her eyes. She almost refused to let them fall.
"I know, I should have I'm sorry." Veronica replied, wiping off tears as she stood in the door way.
"It was hard, you know? I felt so fucking guilty, Archie. I felt so guilty that I couldn't help you and that I couldn't be there for you when you were hurting. I couldn't be there for you, when you almost died!"
Veronica completely broke down in tears crying, Archie stepped close and immediately pulled her into a hug as she cried on his shoulder.
"I wanted to call so bad, but I th-thought you would hate me. I was almost never there for you Archie and I'm so sorry, so so sorry." She sobbed some more, holding him close to her body.
"No, no no V. Don't be hard on yourself, it's okay. There wasn't much you or anyone could do. You are here now, and that's ALL I care about!" Archie still held her as he spoke, and she nodded as he did. It was almost if, he was telling it to himself too.

There was a long pause, as they just held each other in Veronica's doorway as she sobbed onto Archie's shoulder. They both felt complete there with each other, the world didn't matter it was them against it all. They needed each other.
"Archie.." Veronica said, as she started to lift her head off of him.
"Yes?" He replied, looking into her eyes as he rested his hand on her cheek.
"I love you. I always have." She said, going back in the hug and holding Archie tight.
He smiled, and put his hand back around her as if he were keeping her safe now.
"I love you too, V. Everything is going to be better now."

Everything is going to be better now...

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