Chapter 5

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Archie and Veronica trembled with fear, they both looked to each other for answers as the police asked them about Jason. They didn't want to speak, or talk about what they seen down in the water that day. So, they didn't.

"We used to be good friends," Archie started "And he went to this school, with us. Everyone knew Jason, it touched everyone in some way when he died." Archie swallowed, and picked at his thumb nails.
"What about you ?" The other officer pressed towards Veronica, knowing she was being quiet.

"I, um, well, I know his sister Cheryl who also goes here, and she was always with her brother. I moved here only a couple years ago, so I never really talked to him." She nodded, and put a trusting smile on her face.
"Cheryl and Jason were incredibly close siblings." Archie added on to what she said.

The one bald officer, traveled around the room. Keeping a sharp eye on the two who were silently sitting in the office chairs now.
"Have either of you, had any problems with mister Jason Blossom ?" He asked sternly, eyeing them as he worked his way to the front.
Archie and Veronica frowned, they were filled with anger now. They wouldn't hurt anyone, and they knew what the officer was putting off.
"No, of course not." Archie shot back.

"When we investigated Jason Blossoms body, Mr. Andrews, it was nearly a month or less of him being dead. And to add on to that, we decided to look at the security videos from the month that he passed. We actually, caught a glimpse of you and Miss Lodge here taking a romantic walk in the woods nearly a week or two before we found his body." The officer begun.
Archie and Veronica's hearts stopped in their chest, they couldn't believe what they were hearing. The secret they held all summer, was finally being told back to them.
"Then, we saw you two run back the same way, but in horror. So, please tell us, what exactly happened that day, and what you saw." He crosses his arms over his chest, and leaned against the desk standing in front of Veronica and Archie.

Minutes passed, and Archie put out every detail about what happened that day. Veronica filled in some holes of the story, but they felt so good to be able to talk about what has happened. The officers understood what all they were saying, and told them to keep in touch with the police office if they heard anything about this mystery that was still taking place.  The principal didn't speak, and didn't make any sort of contact with the two students, he just let them go.

"How scared were you ?" Archie asked, as they both walked away from the office and headed to their first hour.
Veronica laughed, and continued to walk. "Extremely."
"Yeah, let me tell you, I can't believe that." He added, walking and not looking at her.
"That they caught us on tape ? Me either Archie." Veronica giggled, looking at him with her bright smile.
"And look at that, just because of all that, you're actually talking to me again. And actually smiling." He watched her as her bright eyes lit up, and faded. They always did that, and it only attracted Archie more.
"Watch it." She smirked, nudging him and continuing to walk.

They reached their class, but before they could walk in Archie stopped her.
"Hey, wait." He watched as she turned around.
"Yes ?" She was confused.
"Would you want to come over later ? I promise, it's just because I wanna talk and try to figure things out, V. I wanna be at least friends ago."
It tore Archie apart, everyday realizing that the girl he loved so much no longer loves him, and no longer even wants to be with him.
Veronica sighed, she wanted to be friends with Archie, but something always fought back and told her that there was something else about him that wasn't right, and shouldn't be trusted.
She tucked her hair behind her ears, and nodded her head slowly.
"I'll think about it." She responded, walking into the classroom, swaying her beautiful curvy hips as she did. Archie was always swoon to the sight of her.

The day went on as it always did, all the seniors had testing but that didn't always take long. Betty and Jughead were all over each other as they headed out of the school at the end of the day, to where Veronica couldn't speak to Betty, and same for Archie to Jughead.
Veronica got home, throwing her bag on her purple carpet underneath her feet, and throwing herself on her bed. She sighed, all she could think about was Archie.
She checked her phone, which read 3:05 pm.
She was only going to stop by Archie's for about and hour, and just have a little talk. That's all he wanted, so that's all she was going to give.
Veronica moved across her room now, to her body mirror. She wore a tight, yet small black dress with white pearls that dangled from her neck. She wore black heels to complete her look, as always. Yet, she didn't need to impress Archie, never.

Archie's face lit up as he seen Veronica pull into his driveway, only about a half hour since school has been out. She always looked so beautiful, it was astonishing. Archie almost craved her.
"Hey." She smiled, walking to the door.
Archie nodded, and opened the door and let her come inside.

The house wasn't that big, once you walked in their was a small living room that could only hold about four people. There was a hallway by it, which lead to multiple bedrooms and a bathroom.
Veronica could tell, that the only ones at the house were her and Archie.
"Where is everyone ?" She questioned.
"Oh, yeah." Archie scratched his head, looking at her. His muscles tightened his shirt around his biceps.
"I have no idea." He laughed.
Veronica went blank, and just nodded. "Okay."

"So, what did you want to talk about Archie ?" Veronica cut off after a period of silence.
"... Us, V." He said seriously.
She swallowed her saliva hard, and proceeded to sit down on the small sofa they had in their living room, Archie sat next to her.
"What about us, Archie ? There isn't really an us anymore." She blurted, wishing she could take back her words.
"Yes but, I can't stand us no talking. I can't. There's something about you that I can't ever pull away from, ever. If I can't be your boyfriend Veronica, I wanna be your bestfriend. I want to be in your life." Archie said quickly, looking her in the eye.
She could feel his warmth on her skin, making her crave to hug him. She leaned in, and wrapped her arms around him.
It felt so weird, but she felt comfortable again. But, something in her brain was screaming at her that it wasn't right.
"Please, V. Just let me in." Archie finished.
They were still hugging, and Veronica just nodded against him. She knew he was crying, she could feel it in her heart. So, she didn't dare let go. Archie meant millions of things to her, and there was something that always pulled her back to him too.
It was almost like, it was meant to be.

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