Extra #3. Little One

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"If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:17-18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Serena's POV

Oh, my feet are killing me, I mentally whine to myself as I lock the car and walk up the steps to the front door.

The keys go through the lock easily and as I toe my shoes off and walk up the stairs, I remember the plan I had made in my head. Looking over the banister, I peek into the kitchen where Jacob is currently grading tests and quizzes. My eyes soften and a new vigor runs through me. I keep my steps light to hide my presence, hoping the papers will keep him occupied for the next ten minutes. Although I would much rather tell him immediately, my initial excitement still coursing through my body persuading my to scream it out as soon as my feet pass the threshold of the front door, I want to add a whimsical undertone to the announcement.

Pushing passed our bedroom door, dumping my work bag onto the soft... soft bed. No, I need to tell him, and then I can take a nap. I grab the purple envelope from the bag, which holds the revealing holiday card. I mean, it's June anyways.

"This will work, even though it's not the actual day yet, " I whisper to myself. "He'll get confused, but then it'll become clear. Hopefully. He's not that dense. He works with kids for god sakes, he can't take being stupid."

I think to myself that I should write on the card but then it would give to much away too soon. I want him to have the realization hit him all at once. Putting the card and envelope down, I reach for the pregnancy stick. I can still feel the heart pounding sensation I had when I first tested it back at work. I laugh a little as I remember how crazy my co-workers were acting.

"You need to test it," Aniyah exclaims, "you been sick since Monday." Jalisa nods in agreement.

I look at the test in her hand. "I'm probably not even pregnant and this'll be a waste of time."

"You said probably, so you agree there's like a fifty-fifty chance of being preggers," Jalisa smirks.

I scowl pathetically at them and take the test out of Aniyah's hand, walking to the bathroom. They cheer and follow me inside.

Once I've finished, I walk out and place it on a napkin on the sink counter. "Now we wait."

"I wonder if it'll be a girl."

"I bet a boy."

"No way. Thirty bucks says it's a girl."

"Bet. I'm aboutta have thirty more dollars."

I barely register their banter as I stare at the two lines. "Girls... girls... Girls!"

"What?" they shout.

"Two lines."

Their mild annoyance turns to glee as they embrace me and jump.

"You're pregnant!"

I grin widely as I stick the test in my back pocket, turning to face the door and walk out of them bedroom. Taking the stairs back down, my heart rate speeds up. I can't wait to see his face when I tell him the news. With my left hand fisting my work shirt, I turn to the dining hall watching as the focus on Jacob's face turns relaxed and loving once he sees me.

"Hi, princessa. I didn't hear you come in." He leans up for a kiss and I press my lips to him, giving him another on his forehead after our lips separate.

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