New Family & Perfection

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"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NIV‬‬

🎁Serena's POV🎁

A couple weeks have gone by and it's been the best weeks ever. Well, sort of. Sure people would talk and Miranda would annoy us, but Jacob made everything worth while. He kissed me when I was sad, and he'd feed me a hershey's kiss every time I pouted. And I may or may not have pouted on purpose sometimes just to get chocolate. I think he knew what I was doing. Maybe. School has also been taking a toll on my patience.

Although, I swear that I see Sean at times. When I'm leaving the school, walking Oreo, he'd be there. It's really creepy. He'd just stare at me, not coming any closer to me. I haven't told anyone because nothing bad has really happened. And maybe it's just another guy who looks like Sean. I don't want to overreact. If it gets worse, I'll tell someone. What if he is here for someone else? He wouldn't look for me. Now I'm confused.

"Bark Woof Woof" I look down, straying away from my internal conversation, and smile at Oreo.

"Are you hungry?" I ask. He barks happily in response.

I get off the couch and head for the kitchen. I pour food and water into his bowls and place them on the floor. And, totally accidental, I spilled some water on the counter. At least it's water and not, oh let's say, food coloring. That would be bad. As I am wiping up the mess I've made, I notice Jacob just striding into the backyard, then sitting on the hammock. What is that goofball up to? I pat Oreo's head softly as he continues eating, and walk outside.

"You know, this could be considered trespassing?" I tell him, sitting beside him nonetheless.

"Not really since—A: you know me; B: I've been here frequently; and C: you love me."

"Those aren't really good reasons." I say, laying my head on his shoulder.

"But you do know me, I have been here frequently, and don't you love me?" He pouts. But there's a look in his eyes that had me confused. He looks so, timid. Excited, hopeful.

"Do I?" I tease, though my heart is beating a mile a minute. I mean, do I? It's still too soon, isn't it? Ugh, feelings are weird.

He pouts further and gives me his puppy-eyes look. I giggle and kiss his nose. He grins and grabs my hips before putting me on his lap. We lie down and he rubs my back as the hammock swings back and forth. I turn my head towards the back door as I hear tiny patters coming closer. Oreo takes one look at us, then goes to his little dog house that we had gotten a while ago.

He lets out a tiny yawn and nibbles on the bed we put inside

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He lets out a tiny yawn and nibbles on the bed we put inside. He looks at me and I glare at him playfully, and he just continues to nibble. I huff and shake my head at his stubbornness.

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