Finally dares

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My phone starts ringing
Mikey: Ahhh!! the squirrelanoids are here ahhhh!!
Jazzy: *sighs* Mikey, calm down, it's just my phone *checks phone* well someone isn't going to like this. Cover your ears Mikey
Mikey: *covers ears*
Jazzy: *plays Revile from the trumpet*
Everyone (minus Mikey): *piles into the living room with weapons drawn* What the HECK?!
Jazzy: *laughing my butt off* Calm down it was just a wake-up call.
Donnie: why?! it's 5am.
Jazzy: Well for two reasons, one, someone is joining us and two we have dares.
Raph: Someone is joining us why?
Jazzy: because i said they could and it's only one person so far, so hush! Yay! She's here!
Unknown: Hello anyone home
Jazzy: Harles were in here
Harles: Great for a second their I thought I was in the wrong place.
Jazzy: Nope your just in time. Everyone meet Harles.
Leo: Hi I'm Leonardo or Leo for short. *shakes Harles' hand*
Raph: Nice to meet you I'm Raphael or raph for short
Donnie: I'm Donatello or Donnie for short.
Mikey: *hugs Harles* and I'm Mikey. I'm the fun one.
Karai: And I'm Karai. Mikey let her go she's turning blue.
Mikey: Opps *let's Harles go* sorry.
Harles: it's okay
Jazzy: Welp with the introductions out of the way let's start with some dares. ilivethefandomlife dares the girls to sit on the person to their lefts lap. It has to be a boy. Welp Karai can you call April and Shinigami over because theirs 4 boys and three of us and idk if I'm supposed to do this dare or not?
Karai: Sure
10 minutes later
April: Hey guys. *sees me and Harles* um who are they?
Karai: April these are Jazzy and Harles.
April: Hi
Jazzy and Harles: Hey
Jazzy: Okay that was awkward. Anyway-
Shinigami: Hey Karai why did you want me to-*sees me and Harles* Who are they?
Karai: Shini, this is Harles and Jazzy.
Jazzy and Harles: hi
Shinigami: Hey.
Jazzy: Anyway do you two wanna play with us?
April and Shinigami: Sure
Jazzy: Great now ilivethefandomlife dares the girls to sit on the person to their lefts lap. It has to be a boy. Also the person to their left or right has to do their hair and leave it like that for the rest of the game.(the order is karai sitting on Leo's lap, Harles sits on Raph's lap, April on Donnie's, and Shinigami on Mikey's. Karai does Harles' hair, Harles does April's, April does Shini's and Shini does mine. Use your imagination for their new hair styles, I'm a lazy potato) Oh yeah ilivethefandomlife aka Harles has some truths for us as well. She asks us what are we afraid of. I'm afraid of tarantulas, snakes, and clowns.
Leo: I'm afraid of losing the team.
Raph: cockroaches
Donnie: losing April
Mikey: squirrelanoids and evil clowns
April: Bats
Jazzy: what about you three
Karai: I'm not afraid of anything
Shinigami: neither am I
Jazzy: What about you Harles?
Harles: spiders
Jazzy: Anyways ilivethefandomlife also asked us what we do to relax.
Leo: I meditate
Raph: I punch the training dummy.
Donnie: I go in my lab
Mikey: I either read comic books or play video games
Jazzy: I read books, play on my phone, or write stories. (Use your imagination to figure out what April, Karai, Shinigami, and Harles do to relax) Oh before I forget Bdogfighter gave us a dare. April call Casey.
April: O...kay?
Jazzy: Anyway who wants breakfast?
Everyone: Me!
Leo: I'll make the toast.
Karai: I'll make the eggs.
Jazzy: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Raph: Maybe because Leo's making-!
*BOOM!!!!!* ... And the fire alarm is going off.
Jazzy: YOU just HAD to say SOMETHING didn't you RAPHAEL HAMATO. *Uses the fire extinguisher to put out the fire*
Karai: Now you see why we never let Leo cook.
April and Harles: Okay I/she just got off the phone with-! *walks into the kitchen and sees whatever got burnt* WHAT THE HELL?!
Jazzy: This is why we should never let Leo cook. So much for breakfast.
Casey Jones: Everyone can relax Casey Jones is... Wow... um... what happened here.
10 minutes later
Jazzy: -and that's what happened.
Mikey: Did you happen to bring pizza?
Casey: Nope sorry guys.
Jazzy: Don't worry about it guys. *snaps fingers* Donuts for everyone! Your welcome.
Everyone (minus me): thanks!
Jazzy: but before we eat Bdogfighter gave Casey a dare. She dares Casey to go to a random house, say trick or treat, then sing Jingle Bells and run off. Harles go with Casey and record it!
Harles: Sure *they leave*
Jazzy: Asks or dares, leave in the comments section. Thanks Bdogfighter and ilivethefandomlife 👋🏾

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