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Everyone:*wakes up* uggh what happened?
Jazzy: *walks in* Hey, are you okay?
Karai: Better question, what the heck happened?
Jazzy: Well... meandmikeysortapulledaprankonyouandthenyouallpassedout
Leo: Hang on what did you say? Slow down.
Jazzy: *sigh* Me and Mikey pulled a prank on you and then you all passed out.
Jazzy: I'm sorry I didn't know you would pass out.
Donnie: It's okay.
Leo: So how are you even alive? Last time I saw you you looked like you were bleeding to death???
Jazzy: it was just makeup.
April: what was that
Jazzy: Just my phone,* checks my phone and gasped* dang and awesome.
Karai: What
Jazzy: We have dares
Everyone (minus Mikey): NO
Mikey: Yay! Are their any for me?
Jazzy: Wait let me check... not exactly but everyone has to do them. So technically, yeah. All thanks to Harles. First dare is to stand up and do the best impersonation of the person to your right.
Leo: I'll go first. *impersonates Donnie and goes to the lab*
—————-5 minutes later————
Everyone else: *winces at explosion*
Donnie: That's not how I act
Everyone else: -_- that IS exactly how you act.
Jazzy: okay who's next
Donnie: me. *impersonates Raph*
Hi I'm raph and I'm a hot head. Poor me, nobody understands me.
Raph: I sound nothing like that. Eh whatever I'll clobber you later.
Raph: my turn *impersonates Mikey* *hugs Shini* hi I'm Mikey. I like pizza.
Shini: *uncomfortable* okay, um please let me go before I do something you regret.
Raph: *Let's her go*
Mikey: I'm next *impersonates Shini* Let's play a game. Give me one of your weapons... or I'll take something precious. Your shells.
Shini: Oh I remember that. My turn.  *impersonates Jazzy* *disappears*
Jazzy: hey where did Shini go?
Karai: *shrugs her shoulders* maybe to the bathroom?
Leo: or the kitchen.
Jazzy: well I'm gonna find a book. Back in a sec.
Harles: So who is Shini supposed to impersonate anyway?
Leo: the person to her left, which is jazzy.
Harles: oh
Shini: *reappears* Boo
Everyone else: Ahhhh
Jazzy: *runs back* what was that about?
Shini: I scared them trying to impersonate you.
Jazzy: You did a great job. Besides I usually do that anyway. So it's my turn *impersonates Karai* Leo clam down, the brain worm that was controlling me is gone I'm not your enemy. If you want it back, take it from her. I mean shouldn't be hard for a kunoichi right?
Karai: Good job. This reminds of what happened when Shini took April's dragon tanto blade. Welp it's my turn. *impersonates Leo. Leaves*
Jazzy: Wait, now where did Karai go?
Leo: I don't know.
Raph: Leo, your here than why do I smell the incense coming from your room?
Leo: wait who's Karai supposed to impersonate?
Harles: You
Leo: Do I have to impersonate someone else again?
Jazzy: No, no you don't. Harles your next. But seriously though where's Karai???
Leo: I think I know. KARAI get out of my room or else!!
Karai: *from Leo's room* or else what
Leo: or else I'll tickle you
Raph and Jazzy: Oh so the oh so tough Karai is ticklish. Jinx
Karai: Fine
Harles: I'm next.( you can decide how the next two people impersonate. I'm done with this dare)
Jazzy: Well that's over with. Next dare is to organize everything in the pantry in alphabetical order. Then we have to stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn. Welp theirs no point in doing the second one because we have three dares so theirs no point. So everyone expect Leo come to the kitchen.
Leo: why can't I come with?
Everyone: We don't want you to burn the kitchen down. AGAIN!!
Leo: Fine * does the jumping jack dare*
—————45 minutes later————
Jazzy: well that took for... what are you doing?
Leo: *stops* I was doing that jumping jack dare.
Jazzy: oh welp the next dare is while blindfolded you must eat something that the person to your left feeds you. Then the girls must kiss the person to their lefts cheek. I'm sitting these two out.
———one dare later——————
Jazzy: now for the kiss dare
Shini: Do we have to?
Harles: Yes you do it's my dare anyway.
Karai: So much for that.
(Karai kisses Leo, Harles kisses Raph, April kisses Donnie, Shini kisses Mikey.)
Jazzy: Asks or dares leave them in the comments section below. I'll try and update later today, but I have to take care of my mom. She had to leave work early. So yeah. 👋🏾

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