Truths & Craziness

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Jazzy: Meh. Today is too boring *phone beeps* oh what n- now today is gonna be crazy. Mikey, do me a favor and get in the living room.
Mikey: coming. *runs into the living room* do I have a dare.
Jazzy: yes but truth first then dare. Mikey-chan asks you what do you like about donuts?
Mikey: it's not pizza, but their good.
Jazzy: great and you have a dare. Well one that never happened. You have to annoy Raph without him knowing.
Mikey: that's going to be hard but I'll try. *goes to find Raph*
Shinigami: try what?
Jazzy: *jumps* crap Shini where have you been?
Shinigami: Japan visiting my family.
Jazzy: oh, well nice to see you again. *shouts* Leo your needed in the living room.
Leo: *walks into the living room* yeah?
Jazzy: you have a dare. Someone dares you to put on a chefs costume and and cook at random people's houses. I'll let you do 3 houses and I'll have Karai come with to record it.
Leo: question why is Karai coming? I thought she wanted to stay any talk with Shini.
Karai: I heard my name.
Jazzy: yeah Leo explain everything to Karai on the way to the houses. Bye *pushes Leo and Karai out the Lair* now... where am I supposed to find a talking cockroach?
Donnie: why do you need a talking cockr-
Everyone else (except Mikey, Raph, and anybody else who isn't in the lair): *winces at the sound of a scream*
Mikey: *runs away from Raph, screaming* ahhh!!someone help me ahhh!!
Raph: *shouts* get over here you twit
Jazzy: *facepalms* Shini can you hold my phone? I need to break up a fight.
Harles: I'll help
Karai: *dragging an unconscious Leo* that went b- *notices the craziness* um what did I miss?
Shini: A dare that was going well but. . . this happens. What happened to Leo?
Karai: also from a dare, which I recorded.
Everyone except Leo: *winces at a crash then runs into the dojo*
Jazzy: um... well we stopped the fight. But it didn't go well for Mikey. He got somewhat hurt from a fall from the tree.
Donnie: Quick get him to my lab.
Karai: oh and Leo too.
Jazzy: well... that was eventful... asks or dares leave them in the comments.
Karai: come on Jazzy, Donnie needs your help too.
Jazzy: coming. 👋🏾

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