Girly girl Karai + dares

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Jazzy: *working on homework but shoves it away* ulch this is to easy it's boring.
Phone: *beeps*
Jazzy: *checks phone* man Karai isn't going to like this. *walks into the living room*
Karai: Karai isn't going to like what?
Jazzy: oh um you were dared to dress in girly clothes and stuff like that. By request of galaxytmnt .
Karai: wha.... better question why?
Jazzy: I wish I knew. Go find a outfit, and I asked Harles and April to help.
Karai: ulch Fine. I'm going to regret this later, aren't I?
Jazzy: yep.
Karai, April, and Harles:* leave*
Jazzy: soo... their gone. what's the next dare? *checks phone* aww looks like someone got themselves a date. Okay not like a boyfriend/girlfriend kind of date, more like a "friend" kind of date, if you can call it that. Along with more things from ilivethefandomlife. (Leo is meditating, Raph is punching the training dummy, Donnie is in his lab, Mikey is playing video games with Ray, Kit-Cat is in a room,reading, Midori is drawing, and Sarah is sleeping.) this should be funny.
*plays very loud music*
Everyone except for Karai, Harles, & April: *runs into the living room* what was that for!?!? I was in the middle of something.
Jazzy: well we've got dares. First, ilivethefandomlife asked us if we had one super power, what would it be?
Leo: precognition
Everyone: ?
Leo: ability to predict the future.
Everyone: oh
Raph: super strength
Donnie: time travel
Mikey: invisibility
Kit-Cat: Power mimicry
Everyone: ?
Kit-Cat: the ability to be good at a certain skill
Everyone: oh
Midori: night vision
Sarah: flying
Ray: um... night vision
Jazzy: healing. Now then-
April& Harley: we're back
Jazzy: three things; one, we have more truths and dares. Two, of you had one super power, what would it be, and three, is she ready?
Harley: cool and water breathing
April: great and atmokinesis.
Jazzy: question, what is that?
April: the ability to control the weather. No Karai is ready, she just doesn't want to come in.
Jazzy: oh great, text her the question and ask if she's coming.
April: just did, she said telekinesis and I'm not coming back yet.
Leo: um what is going on?
Jazzy: well Leo your girlfriend won't come back in because of a dare that said for her to dress in girly stuff.
Leo: one Karai isn't my girlfriend *mumbles well not yet* and two it can't be that bad.
Jazzy: then go convince her. We'll be waiting.
Leo: Fine. *goes to find Karai*
Everyone: can we get back to what we were doing?
Jazzy: no y'all can stay here and watch a movie or something.
5 minutes later
Leo: I'm back
Jazzy: did you get her
Leo: well yeah
Jazzy: *turns the tv off*
Everyone: hey what was that for?!
Jazzy: well you'll get it back in a moment. Earlier, by request of galaxytmnt, she dared Karai to dress in girly clothes and here she is. Karai, c'mon it can't be that bad.
Karai: Fine *walks in wearing a kimono*
Everyone: wow 😮 you look so, wow 😮.
Karai: thanks, it at least reminds me of Japan.
Jazzy: next ilivethefandomlife gave us more asks and dares;
1 Favorite Disney movie
2 Favorite Disney character and
3 if you were invisible, what would you do?
4 all the boys to do a handstand for 5 minutes
5 Mikey and Harley to talk in a foreign accent for the rest of the chapter
6 Raph to moonwalk wherever he goes and finally
7 Donnie, Mikey, and Leo to play Mario Cart, blindfolded.
Leo: favorite Disney movie and character is Mulan
Raph: mine is Beauty and the Beast. Favorite character is Rapunzel
Donnie: Beauty and the Beast and Belle
Mikey: Tangled and Annie
Time skip because I'm too lazy to be writing this (1,2,3)
Jazzy: Boys time starts...  now
Boys: *does a handstand*
5 minutes later
Boys: *drops out of exhaustion*
Karai: guys that was nothing. I could do one longer than that.
Raph: whatever princess
Mikey: *talking to Harley with a German accent*
Harley: *talking with Mikey in a German accent*
Everyone: ?
Jazzy: um... Mikey.. you have to play the game now.
Mikey: *still with the accent* okay
Donnie, Leo, Mikey: *plays the game*
Jazzy: asks, dares, comments. Also have any ideas for new stories I could write? I'm lost with story ideas. Maybe sharing some of my memories or something? I don't care what kind of ideas you come up with whatsoever. Thank you. 👋🏾

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