Chapter 20

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Jazzy: *listening to music, checks phone and yells* everyone!! Living room right now!
Everyone: *walks into the living room* what
Jazzy: We have dares
Everyone else: Ugh
Jazzy: And we have someone joining us
Raph: Is it another girl
All the girls: Hey!
Raph: Sorry
Jazzy: No it isn't.
Unknown: Hello anyone here
Jazzy: In here Left. Everyone meet Left.
Boring introductions later
Left: so what are the dares anyway?
Jazzy: well galaxytmnt dares Donnie to sing wannabe
Donnie: no way
Jazzy: it's a dare *hands him 🎤* and you have to do it
Donnie: Fine. *starts to sing, very badly* (cue the music)
Jazzy: *hands everyone earmuffs*
Everyone else: *puts earmuffs on*
2 minutes later
Donnie: *stops the singing* never again
Everyone: agreed
Jazzy: next galaxytmnt dares Raph to dress up as Snow White.
Raph: hell no. Are you readers crazy?! Oh when I *muffles the talking when his mouth is covered*
Leo: *covers Raph's mouth*
Jazzy: thank you Leo. Now Donnie, do you have any of that anesthetic?
Donnie: yeah, wh- never mind I'll get it right now. *gets the anesthetic and gives it to Raph*
Jazzy: good *smirks* now lets doll him up! Who brought the makeup?
2 hours and 15 minutes later
Jazzy: annnnd... done. *looks at everyone else* what do you think?
Everyone else: wow/cool/he's about to wake up
Raph: *wakes up* what happened?
Everyone else: *tries so not to laugh*
Raph: what's so funny?
Jazzy: look in the mirror
Raph: *looks in the mirror* who the hell did this?!?!? I'm clobber ya!!!
Jazzy: Girls run!!!
All the girls: *runs away*
Raph: *runs after us* get back here!!!!
Leo: well since Jazzy is... busy at the moment, asks, dares, comments.
Bonus Scene
Leo: Now I gotta go stop my brother from- *hears one of us screaming* ... doing just that... *chases Raph around the lair*

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