Follow the leader( not the episode)

159 1 7

Jazzy: *watching TMNT on my phone, with headphones dead laughing* this is too funny.
Karai: Jazzy... *yanks out my headphones* Jazzy
Jazzy: what?
Karai: whatcha watching?
Jazzy: well I'm watching how April flipped you down the subway stairs a while ago
April: I heard my name. Whatcha looking at?
Jazzy: how you flip Karai down some subway stairs, even though, she was better... shutting up now.
Rai: oh yeah, I still gotta get you back from that. Get over here *starts to chase April*
April: *running away from Karai*
Jazzy: ah sh** look what I just did, well I'm gonna enjoy this dare. Jojo you're needed in the living room.
Jojo: what I was busy.
Jazzy: sorry but you dared me to basically make you my maid.
Jojo: you have to be kidding.
Jazzy: nope, I'm dead serious. So for starters, can you find my changers for my laptop & phone.
Jojo:yes mistress *leaves to find my chargers*
Jazzy: I could get used to this. *reads the next dare* god no
Rai: what's up with you?
Jazzy: the next dare will end up with someone fighting.
Rai: what are you talking about?
Jazzy: Jojo dares Casey to flirt with her and have everyone see what happens.
Rai: I thought she dared him not to act like an a**hole for two chapters.
Jazzy: -_- she did. Today shall be an exception
Jojo: *comes back with my chargers* an exception for what mistress?
Jazzy: tell you in a sec, now my second & final thing is to prank Mikey.
Jojo: never thought I was gonna say this but, I love this dare. *runs off to prank Mikey*
Jazzy: phew that was close-
Jojo: done
Jazzy: I'm scared, but what did you do?
Jojo: I put foil on his door
Jazzy: eh simple enough, so, you dared Casey to flirt with and have everyone see what happens...
Jojo: I thought I dared him NOT I REPEAT NOT like an a**hole for two chapters. TWO GOD DA-
Jazzy: *coves Jojo's mouth* I know, but this will be an exception. So suck it up and deal with it. *uncovers her mouth*
Jojo: ugh, Fine.
Jazzy: good, JONES you're needed in the living room
Casey: whatever it was I didn't do it.
Jazzy: chill out, you have a dare
Casey: what is it
Jazzy: you have to flirt with Jojo
Casey: okay *begins to flirt with her*
Jazzy: everyone, living room now
Everyone else: *comes into the living room* what
Jazzy: 🤫 look
Casey: hey cutie, you know we can go places. All you have to do is say yes
Jojo: *slaps Casey, then begins to beat him up*
Jazzy: *facepalms, then looks at everyone else* and as you can see, this is what happens whenever Casey thinks it's a good idea to flirt with any of the girls.
Everyone: so true
Jazzy: welp asks, dares, comments. I have to break up a fight. Maybe Casey won't die. Donnie get ready just in case it comes to that. 👋🏾

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