I'm not dead

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Jazzy: *walks back into the lair* hey team did I-!
JoJo/Luna: *runs over to me and hugs me* about time you came back!
Jazzy: okay okay... can't... breathe!
JoJo/Luna: *pulls away* sorry, now where have you been?!
Jazzy: I've been busy with school, went to camp, and dealing with family issues so... yeah
Luna: well you've got dares that's for sure
Joel: *walks into the lair* hey people!
JoJo: hey Joel
Karai: *walks by us* hey JoJo, hey Jojo's twin... wait *double takes* since when did you have a twin?
JoJo: I've been told y'all I had a twin
Karai: then I must've forgot... meh
Jazzy: speaking of dares, Luna, Joel, come with me real fast
Luna/Joel: um... alright? *follows me* what is it?
Jazzy: y'all two were dared to play a prank!
Luna: what kind of prank?
Jazzy: where *whispers the prank in their ears*(you'll see~) got it?
Joel/Luna: got it!
Jazzy: good, oh yeah Luna, here *gives her a fake pregnancy test*
Luna: okay...
Jazzy: c'mon *shouts* EVERYONE GET IN THE LIVING ROOM!
Everyone else: *walks into the living room* what?!
Luna: um... well... I'm pregnant
JoJo: YOUR WHAT?! *looks at Friday the 13th and starts chasing him*
Joel: she's pregnant...
JoJo: *still chasing Friday the 13th* no sh-!
Joel: will the love of Jesus! God bless y'all!
JoJo: you mean this was a prank?!
Jazzy: *dies laughing* oh god that was hilarious! I'll be right back *walks out the lair*
JoJo: *growls and starts chasing Joel* GET BACK HERE!!
Joel: *runs away from her* it was just a prank!
*10 minutes later*
Jazzy: *walks into the lair, carrying food* I'm back and I brought pizza gyozas!
JoJo: ooh! *runs over to me and takes a box* MINE!
Jazzy: *takes the rest of the food into the kitchen* geez! We know!
Raph: *smirks and taps JoJo on her shoulder*
JoJo: *turns around* yeah Raph?
Raph: *snatches her food away from her*
Raph: let me think about it for a sec...nope!
JoJo: *growls and starts chasing Raph* GIVE ME MY FOOD BACK!
Raph: ep! *runs away from JoJo*
Jazzy: *sighs* not this again...
Haley: *facepalms* why?
Leo: *shrugs his shoulders* wanna spar Haley?
Haley: sure *walks into the dojo and starts sparring with Leo*
Jazzy: well that takes care of that dare *sits on the couch and starts texting a certain person* (long story, only JoJoTheShapeshifter and ForeverTeal would most likely know)
*25 minutes later*
Raph: hey, where's Haley?
Jazzy: dojo with Leo
Raph: mmm, great... *walks into the dojo to see Leo and Haley having a tickle fight* hey!
Leo: oh um... hey Raph
Haley: hey babe! You need something or were you just jelly... again?
Raph: um, no- no reason, but can I talk to you Haley? *looks at Leo* alone
Leo: *puts his hands up in surrender and walks out the dojo, closing the door* I think we need a sound proof spell on their room
JoJo: mmm hmm! *looks over at me* who are you texting?
Jazzy: *blushes madly and tries to hide my phone* n-nobody i-important
JoJo: yeah right! Ever so rarely do any of us see you blushing! C'mon, show me!
Jazzy: no way! If I do, you'll go nuts and everything!
JoJo: no I won't! Show me! *starts reaching out for my phone*
Jazzy: nope! *gets up and starts running away from JoJo* well gotta go, asks, dares, comments! 👋🏾
Bonus scene
JoJo: *runs after me* just show me already!
Jazzy: no! You'll act like you always do!
JoJo: *tackles me to the floor, still trying to get my phone*
Jazzy: Get. Off. Me!
JoJo: Spill. Your. Guts!
Jazzy: never!
Long story short, I'm out of school and I'll have plenty of time to update this story, My Besties, and A Miraculous trip to! Thank god!

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