9. Love Somebody

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*In which a guy falls for a girl who isn't looking for a guy.*

The first few months were difficult, waking up in the middle night, basically I didn't get a whole lot of sleep for a while.

Having a kid right out of high school wasn't bad at first, but as soon as the kid is born, dad skips out. Now I'm stuck raising our son by myself. I was just lucky he didn't look like his dad. My own mom actually couldn't wait for me to have a baby. She was excited, I felt like it was too soon. My best friend has been trying to help me find someone, even though I told her I don't need a guy at the moment. I grew accustomed to being a mother by month six. I decided I'd be everything my son needs.

Then the one night my mother begs to babysit, I tell her I don't need a sitter, because I'm not doing anything. My mom make plans for my best friend to take me out. I objected, but my best friend, Jane, threatens to kill me. She loves baby Riley, she is like an aunt to him, but she said I needed this outing. When I agreed, she went all out and forced me to look hot, as she calls it. I just look like I'm trying too hard.

When we reach the bar, since she is twenty-one and persuasive, she manages to get me inside the bar. She literally drags me to a table next to four young, wild, hot guys. They check us out and one of them calls out, "Four beers please."

Jane gasps and whispers the word Australian to me and I roll my eyes and mutter the words I hate you to her. She smiles and says, "Nope. I believe you love me sweet cheeks and don't even try to deny it."

I scoff and laugh, "Right Jane. Because you are the only person, with my mother's help, to drag me to a bar after eight months of being a homebody."

She rolls her eyes, "Look, I know the villain left, but I never liked the asshole anyway. I only tolerated him, but the bastard left and I think you are pretty damn strong. It only took  week to get your figure back."

I shrug and mutter, "Well I didn't get huge."

She smiled, "I know."

I could feel the good looking strangers staring and probably listening to our conversation.

I sigh, "Oh Jane, the thing I do for you, but I am not your wing woman."

She laughed, "No, I'm your wing woman."

I rolled my eyes, "I told you, I don't need anyone. I'm doing just fine. No guy wants to date someone with a kid and besides, Riley and I are doing just fine."

She groan, "Look Y/N, you will find someone who want to help you raise him."

"I have all the help I need, my mother and you," I stated.

She nodded, "I understand that, but don't you miss it?"

I sighed sadly, "Of course I do, but I have a..little man who loves giving cuddles. I love my son and he loves me too. I don't want someone who will love for a while and then drop me as soon as he is bored. All I need is my son, because his love is unconditional."

Jane moved closer to me and hugged my side saying, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry."

I sniffled and laughed lightly, "Crap, I didn't realize."

She laughed softly, "You know, you aren't like most mothers. You don't care about stuff eighteen year olds care about. It might be because, your a mom, but you are damn great one. I wish my mom had been more like you, but she loved to party. I love that your so focused on raising Riley the best you can."

After we both calmed down she clapped her hands together and said, "Let's dance hot mama."

I laughed as I followed her to the dancefloor. We having a great time as we laughed at each other. Those hot guys came up to us and the dark haired one asked Jane to dance. As I was watching her, I felt a presence in front of me. I faced the stranger, and noticed he had green hair. I smiled politely, "Hi there, I'm Y/N."

He smiled warmly, "I'm Michael. Wanna dance?"

I nodded hesitantly and said, "Sure, but I have a kid, so don't get interested."

He smirked, "I love kids. What is he like?"

I shrugged, "His name is Riley and he is a sweetheart. He is only eight months old. You'd have to meet him."

He nodded, "I'd like to."

I stopped abruptly, "What?"

He smiled, "I want to meet your son."

I laughed, "I don't even know you."

"So, get to know me," he said like it was the best thing he ever thought of. I laughed and said, "Why?"

He shrugged, "I'm interested in you. Sorry."

He didn't sound the least bit sorry. I ended up caving, because he seemed nice enough. For the rest of the night, we got to know each other. I honestly don't know how many times I laughed with him. We seemed to have some things in common. We liked a lot of the same music.


A few days later, my little Riley and I went to the little diner I work at for lunch.

After we ordered, I got one of his toys out so he wouldn't get upset while we waited. The only thing Riley got from his dad, was his black hair and blue eyes. Riley turned out to be a beautiful baby and I'm raising him to be better than his father. I was texting Jane when an all to familiar voice, "Mind if I sit?"

I looked up to see a goofy smile on Michael's face and I laughed, "Go ahead."

He smirked, then looked at my son, "Is this the famous Riley."

I smiled and nodded as Riley looked at Michael in confusion. Michael began to talk, telling Riley his name and making him laugh. Riley's little giggle sounded as Michael made his baby toy kiss his nose.

Michael started hanging out with us more often and offered to watch him anytime I needed him. Riley grew to love Michael, so I let him spend time with him. Then, one night I had to work late, so Michael watched him. When I got home, they were both asleep on the couch. It had to be the cutest thing I'd ever seen. It made me wish Michael was Riley's birth father, because he was so good with him. Even though he is doing this to get closer to me, it seems like he genuinely loves Riley.

The next morning, I wake up to the smell of food. I get up as I here music playing and the giggling of my son. I walk into the kitchen to see Michael and Riley dancing while Michael cooks breakfast. Riley sees me and yells, "Mommy!"

Michael turns to face me as I laugh and say, "Are you trying to show my one year old how to cook?"

He smiles, "What if he wants to make you breakfast in bed in the future?"

I shrug as Michael puts Riley into his highchair pulls me into a hug. Riley laughs and yells out, "Mommy and daddy!"

I gasp and Michael looks equally shocked and says, "Has he never met his actual father?"

I sigh, "No, he left right after I had him. He didn't even want to see Riley."

He nods as Jane walks in, "I'm home and I'll take the kid. You two look like you need to talk."

I nod as Michael shut the stove off. We go into the living room and Michael says, "I'm in love with you and I love Riley too. I don't care what you say, I'm not going anywhere."

I kiss him before he can say anything else and he kisses back urgently.

When we pull away I say, "I love you too."

That's how you love somebody.

*I know it is lame, but I'm not sorry.*

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