21. Bloody Valentine

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*Sometimes the devil can be everything you've ever wanted.*

I had known him since grade school, but I'd never actually spoken to him. No one really spoke to him. Everyone thought he was a creep, but for some reason, I didn't. He never bothered anybody and he seemed pretty nice. He was sweet to kids, and maybe that masked what went on in his head. I knew there was something really off about him, but I liked that about him. I loved a little mystery. Lately, things have been a little strange, there have been a few times when I've been at a restaurant with my parents only to look up and see Michael there, but he'd be there alone and be watching me. My dad told me to stay far away from him, but I can't help liking him.

I've always known he had this bad boy reputation, and girls like things that aren't good for them. Michael didn't seem to really give off the bad boy persona, I'd like to think he is bad, just not the good kind.

I'd been walking home alone in the dark since I'd finished babysitting, when I got the feeling I was being followed. I felt a little paranoid, so I kept looking back. I was completely alone on this road, because people rarely came around at night, so there couldn't anyone else around at all. My music wasn't distracting enough, so I took my ear buds out and slipped my iPod back into my purse, still trying to figure out if I was actually being followed. My breathing was starting to quicken as my heart rate started going up. Before I started to run, someone suddenly pulled up next to me.

I gasped and jumped in place as they rolled down the window and then a raspy voice drifted into my ears, "Need a ride?"

I couldn't see much of anything, but I was sure I'd never heard his voice before, so I said, "W-Who are you?"

I sounded like scared little girl, and the person slightly chuckled before I heard a click and saw the car light up, and only now I realized just who it was; it was Michael. I got a weird feeling in my stomach and noticed how his eyes practically stared into my soul, it sent a chill down my spine. I bit my bottom lip out of nervousness and released it and said, "Oh. Yeah, I could use a ride."

I got into the car and he watched me the whole time, waiting until I was buckled in to turn the light off and start driving.

Silence. Nothing but silence as he drove along the dark back roads, I couldn't see anything, but where the headlights shined. There was a lot of tension between us and I wasn't sure why. I wanted to talk to him, but he was focused on the road. As I stared at him in the dark, he obviously knew I was staring, but he never really tried to talk to people or help very much. I was intrigued and confused all at the same time.

Suddenly, I saw lights ahead and noticed we were close to town now, so I asked, "Do I need to give you directions?"

"No," he replied smoothly as he glanced at me, a light smirk on his lips. "I know where you live, Y/N." Yeah, and that isn't creepy at all.

I look around as he turns down another back road, "This isn't the way to my house."

He shrugs, "I know, but we're going a different way."

I sigh as the back road gets more narrow, "Are you sure know where we're going?"

He glances at me, "Of course," I nod, and he speaks again. "You're a very interesting person, Y/N."

I slightly smile, "How so?"

He shrugs, "You don't seem very scared of anything. You could've been kidnapped while walking alone in the dark, there are some crazy motherfuckers out there."

I shake my head and say, "Oh, I do that all the time. I always make it home."

He chuckles to himself, "I know, but what if one day, you didn't make it home?"

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