19. Mirrors

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*She's his other half......Based off the song Mirrors by Justin Timberlake.*

*His POV*

She's so beautiful that she doesn't realize it. We've been through so much together that we sometimes think alike. It's like she knows exactly what I need. I could never picture myself without her. I know no one wants to hear the cheesy shit in my thoughts, but I just can't describe exactly what I feel for her.

Loving her is like needing oxygen, she's my life support. She keeps me going everyday. She understands me. I guess that's why she's my soulmate.

She makes me feel alive.

She is so beautiful that she doesn't believe me when I tell her that there are guys who look at her. She thinks I'm the only one who will ever find her attractive, but she's so wrong. She may not notice, but guys look at her all the time. I do feel jealous, because she's mine, but then I feel good, because she chose me out all those other guys.

I love her, because she's weird and I just think it's amazing. The first time I saw her, I was taking pictures with fans and signing autographs, her face was completely neutral, but as the girl next to her started whispering with a smile, her face broke out into a smile as her face slowly became red with tears  flowing as she laughed profoundly. And I just remember thinking that I wanted to be the one who made her laugh like that; clutching her stomach in good, painful laughter.

Her laugh was like music to my ears. The person making her laugh like was whispering to her in between giggles, causing her to laugh so hard that she couldn't breathe. I smiled when she went to take a breath and snorted instead, which made her laugh again. It was probably the best way for me to fall in love with someone.

The fact that she could laugh at herself was a big deal, because some people get angry if they embarrass themselves, but not Y/N.

Once she calmed down, she was still smiling, then she and her friend got up and threw away what they had in their hands. As she tossed the trash, she looked up and spotted me, smiling at me. I smiled at her and she blushed. The funny thing is that she seemed recognize who I am, but she didn't come near me, she turned and walked back to her friend.

When I saw her again, I was wearing a disguise, because I was in public and I didn't want to draw attention. She was at the park, swinging as she listened to music. She was just staring out, like she was taking in everything that was around her.

There wasn't anyone else around and she hadn't even seen me yet, so as I watched her, she started swinging a little bit faster, almost as if she was getting into the music. She was mouthing the words and about ready to start singing out loud. When she did I was kind of amazed to hear her singing some Queen. She didn't look like the type, but that's what I liked about her the most.

The first time we talked, she was so shocked that I was talking to her of all people, and it pretty much went from there.

We started spending a lot of time together over the next several months, even during tour, after a while I thought I might've gotten myself friendzoned. I just didn't know until we were alone together one day.

We were just hanging out, and she seemed unusually shy for the first time since we met. I couldn't stand her being awkward around me, so I shocked her and myself by kissing her. At first, I thought I had fucked up everything, but it turns out that was the least of my worries. She actually liked me back and I didn't think she ever could, but she did.

In the time that we've been together, we had our ups and downs, and I get that its life, but that one time I thought i was going to lose her, I was so destroyed that I cried, because I couldn't live without her.

She had grown tired of the things she heard on a daily basis. The thing is, she really trusts me, and she knows I would never cheat on her, but people make up rumors and no matter how hard you try, you can never stop it. There are lies that ruin relationships all the time.

I'd walked into our shared apartment to see her angrily pacing around, almost as if she was deep in thought.

When she finally faced me, she said, "I really hate rumors and drama, well, just both in general."

I nodded in agreement, "What happened?"

"I know it could never be true, but people won't shut up about seeing you cheat on me," she replies in annoyance. "And if I were to ever catch you lying, I hope you know that I'd be really mad."

He sighs, "I know, you told me to break up with you if I thought about cheating. Which I could never do."

She takes a deep breath and hugs me,"I'm glad you understand my trust issues."

Then she says, "Can I be honest?"

"Always," I say as I clutch onto her tighter.

She stepped away from me, looking at me with watery eyes, "I don't know how much more I can take."

"W-What do you mean?" I sound scared, or like I just lost the love of my life.

She sighs, "Sometimes, I feel like we shouldn't be together, because no one will be happy as long as we're together."

Anger boils up inside as I say, "Who the fuck cares what they think. I love you, so, so much."

She sits down and says, "I know, I love you too. This crap just ticks me off. I'm just not good with this type of stuff, its just too much."

I can feel the tears starting to come, "Are you saying we should break up?"

She looks down at her lap, "It might be best."

My breath catches in my throat and I feel a hot tear stream down Cheek, "N-No," my voice breaks. I feel like such a fucking pussy. Shit! Stop fucking crying.

She looks up and I notice that she's crying too and she gasps as she notices me crying, "Oh, Michael. No, please don't cry. I love you."

She stands and we wrap our arms around each other, and I can't stop telling her that I love her. The words tumbled out in a slur as I sobbed into her shoulder.

But, we ended up not breaking up, because without her I don't think I could function. She makes me a better person. She had decided that love means getting through all the shit it comes with. Everyone has to go through everything together anyway, and I want to go through it with her for the rest of my life.

The day I realized I wanted to just be with her for the rest of my life kind of came out of nowhere.

We were getting ready for bed when it just kind of hit me. It was our four year anniversary and it'd been such a great day. I was so happy and I just realized everything I wanted was in front of me. I literally fall in love with her all over again everyday. She's it.

Once we were comfortable in bed, I said, "I'm going to marry you."

She didn't say anything at first and then, her body started lightly shaking. She was crying into my chest. Then I said, "Baby, what's wrong?"

She sniffles, "You want to marry me?"

"Yes, you're the love of my life," I replied confidently. "Oh, wait. Fuck! You don't want to marry me. Do you?" I fucked up.

She sits up, "No, I was just shocked. Of course I want to marry you. I just didn't anyone would ever want to marry me."

I smile, "Then its settled, I'm gonna get you a ring."

She buries her head into my chest and I cuddle her close, I really do love her, and I always will.

Falling in love is the scariest thing imaginable, but it can also be the best thing to ever happen next to becoming famous.

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