[ Chapter 5 ]

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*play song*

Ein's pov.

I enter the room and see Nicole is lying on the bed, Katelyn sitting on the chair next to her.

" Did you find out more about Y/n? " She asked.

" We know her father is strict " Ash said as he enters with Dante.

" How strict? " Katelyn asked.

" Smack to the face hurts you know " Dante said.

" Why? " Nicole asked.

" We sneaked into her place where she trains, and she didn't improve, Ash being an idiot got us caught, Carter gave us a death glare and now we're here " I said.

" I didn't get us caught " Ash retort.

" You were too loud, she heard you yelp in pain " Dante said.

Ash sits down on the chair and start ignoring us.

" We found out she has a brother " I said.

" Carter is her father " Dante said.

" Her father's dead, she killed him " She said.

" Y/n killed her father? " I asked.

" F/n, he's a member of the Divine before he passed away " she said.

" But why is she a Shadow Knight? " Ash asked.

" Question is, how come she is a Shadow Knight? " I asked.

" She's more than we thought " Katelyn said.

" Why would she kill her father, there must be a reason " Dante said.

" We'll discuss this with Landon- "


The sound of a glass shattered.

" Nicole! " Dante shouts.

We turn and see blood was pouring out of her chest, an arrow was pierced through her chest, my eyes widened and I turn to Dante who was in tears with Katelyn.

" Get the doctor " I said and Ash exits the room.

I walk over to her bed and shut her eyes.

" Who would do this? " Katelyn asked.

" The person on the roof is the one to blame " Dante looks out of the window.

I look out the window and see a female figure standing there with a bow in her hand and it's daylight so I can see her.

She has E/c eyes and H/c hair, there was a quiver on her back, she was masked so I can't tell what her face looks like but she looks familiar. She's also wearing a cyber visor.

She then walks away.

The door opens and we turn to see the nurses and doctors enter. Ash looks at me with a serious face.

" Ein, we need to talk "

~ Time Skip ~

Y/n's pov.

" Your daughter's dead " father said through the phone as it was in speaker, his phone placed on the table.

" What?! " I hear the man shouts.

" You promised me you'll pay last weekend, I still don't have my money, if you still won't pay the end of this month, I believe your wife is next " father smirks as I stood there gripping my bow tightly.

I hate him, I hate what I did but I have too.

" You murderer " the man said.

" I believe not, I have the rights to kill whoever I want, I'm a man of his words, don't believe me?, You can come to my office and read the contract yourselves " father takes out a file.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now