[ Chapter 65 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I take a deep breath as more tears strand down from my eyes from the pain on my chest. It hurts a lot and I can't take it.

" I can't Landon " I shook my head.

" It'll be alright " he said.

" It hurts " I grunted when a sharp pain occurs.

He place his hand on my forehead.

" The fever is getting worse " he said and wipe the sweat off my temple.

" What time is it? " I asked.

" Seven, it's been 15 hours, you have 29 hours left " he said.

I then feel liquid running down my nose.

" The nosebleed started " he said and wipe it off.

I grunted when my body is getting tired.

" Fatigue? " He asked, I nodded my head weakly.

" How did mom got through this while I was in her womb? " I asked.

" She died 24 hours later after giving birth to you, at least she had the chance to hold you " he said.

He place the blanket over me that is in the cell already cause I was feeling cold earlier but I'm sweating.

My eyes are heavy since I was up all night, I couldn't sleep, the pains seems to occurs every two to three minutes. I then scream in pain when the pain in my chest hurts a lot. It feels like I'm getting stabbed over and over but I won't die.

When the pain slowly goes away, I calm down and continue to cry. I hold my breath to endure the pain.

I then head a door opening.

" Y/n? "

The voice caught my attention and I let out a breath.

" Bailey " I said.

I hear her sigh in relief. Hearing the bar door open, her footsteps comes close and I look to my left to see a girl with beige hair and dark brown eyes.

" Hey, I brought you guy some food and drinks, it's not much but it's all I can do, Carter doesn't allow me to stay long, here some rag to clean off the blood and sweat " she said.

" Thank you Bailey " I said.

" Oh and, some guy named Ash told me to give you this " I hear the sound of paper.

" I gotta go now " her footsteps fade and I hear the cell door locks back.

The other door closes.

" What is it? " I asked.

" They're on their way right now " he said.

" They could've have done it sooner " I said.

" I'm not sure what delayed them but they got their reasons " he said.

" How is it to be a Divine?, I mean, do you guys do anything other else then killing? " I asked.

" We don't kill, we catch and keep " he said.

" What happens if you kill someone by accident? " I asked and I feel a liquid running down my nose.

" I would normally go ballistic first then cool down since it has been done " he said.

" How does the Shadow Knight's work? " He asked.

" Carter lost his mind, one mistake and we're all fucked " I cough and grunted when a pain was on my head.

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