[ Chapter 19 ]

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*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I dry my hands with the dry towel and I turn around, I exit the bathroom and I look up to see Father.

" Father " I said.

He gesture his head to the right and I nodded. I walk inside the supply room. I turn to him and look down, It's when his hand collide with my cheek.

I fall down holding my cheek as the burning sensation begins.

" The next time you pull a move like that, it won't be an open casket for you " he said.

I slowly stood up and nodded my head.

" It's a good thing Landon had it as a mission for you and Louise " he said.

" I investigated Gene's death myself, Josh killed him " I said.

I see a glimpse of him smirking.

" Actually, I take that back, this might work for you to gain their trust " he said, I look up at him.

" Keep this up and remember, we have to make it real " he said and grab me by my neck.

I gasp for air when he puts pressure and I grip his wrist as I struggle. Slowly, I can feel my feet is not in contact with the floor, I was starting to loose air when the door opens.

" Y/n? "

It was Catherine, Carter let go and I drop to the floor taking deep breaths holding my neck.

" The fuck?! " She rushes to me.

It's when I began to cough, Catherine kneels down to me.

" Isn't she's your fucking daughter?! " She yells, Carter hums in respond and exit as I see Garroth enters.

" What happened? " Garroth rushes.

I calm down and take deep breaths.

" Guess strangling his own step daughter is too let out his anger " Catherine helps me up.

" What are you guys doing here? " I asked as we three stood up.

" Landon told us to check on you after last night " Garroth said.

" I'm fine, Louise stitched me up " I said.

" After getting choke by your own father?, That's not fine at all " Catherine said.

" Catherine, it's nice of you guys to check on me but I'm really fine " I said.

" It's Cat, I don't like people call me by my full name " she said.

I roll my eyes away and exit the room, heading to Meghan's room, they follow. Seeing my little sister sitting down playing my phone, a red ribbon around her head.

I sigh and out on a smile as I walk up to her bed, I sit down next to her and she still focuses on the phone screen.

" Meggy " I take the phone and she leans back as I take my phone, keeping her eyes lock on the screen.

When I move the phone to the right and she sits up, moving her head to the right.

I move it all around as she just follows. I stop it in front of her and she just watches, I press the switch off button, and she started to cry.

I put it away.

" Rest your eyes, you've been watching that since this morning " I said.

She turns to me and hug me as she looks up up at me in tears.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now