[ Chapter 23 ]

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(pic above is what you're wearing)

*play song*

Y/n's pov.

I switch on my cyber visor as I sit down on my chair at my desk. A pair of forceps on both of my hands that has a blade on the tip on my right one while my left one is opening the ring. Zooming in my cyber visor, I look through the crack of the ring while the holder is holding it in place.

I slowly put the blade inside and let go of the metal as it clamp the blade. I switch off my cyber visor and take it off, I take off the ring out of the grip of the holder and the blade I just inserted had gone in the ring.

I put the ring on and clench my hand into a fist as the blade pops out.

" Did you fix it? "

I turn around to the girl with pink hair and turquoise eyes.

" Ivy, next time, don't punch the wall " I said.

Seeing her stood up from my couch, she was wearing a red shirt and shorts, a pair of converse.

" I didn't do it on purpose though " she said.

I walk to her and place it onto the palm of her hand.

" How's Coral by the way? " I asked.

" Let's just say it lasted 45 minutes " she said, my shoulder shudders.

" Oh stop it, it's been years, it's a thing now " she said.

" Get out " I said.

She gasp dramatically and walk out of my apartment as she close the door for me.

Maybe I should install an automatic door as well. My room door seems to work pretty well, I walk to my door and scan my fingerprint as it beeps.

I push down the door lever handle and enter my room as I close t and hear another beep.

The door is only can be open from the inside. I head to my dresser and open my second drawer, taking out my clothes, it reveal dad's picture, I pick it up and sighed.

Seeing the four of us in the picture, Louise was on the right beside dad while I'm on the left, and in dad's arms, is Meghan.

I put it back and as I was about to put back my clothes something caught my eye under the edge of my F/c sweatshirt. I lift up my sweatshirt and it revealed Gene's juul. I pick it up and smile.

I switch it on and the light doesn't light up, it's dead. I close my drawer and walk to my desk. Opening the first drawer, I see the charger in there, I take it out and plug it in, I put down the juul and take out my phone. I see father has message me.

I read it and it's another mission with the others.

Capture Corbin Bradford.

I sighed and switch off my phone.

" He's so straight forward, period " I mumble to myself.

~ Time Skip ~

" Hey, nice piercings " Ivy nudges her elbow on my arm.

" Thanks? " I said.

" Thought you hated piercings " Zenix said.

" Peter, off of her mouth " I turn and see Peter and Coraline making out as Jeremy disrupt their moment.

I roll my eyes away as I turn around and speed walk until I slow down.

I'm with the others, we're headed to a club for this mission.

Sigh【Ein X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now