[ Chapter 67 ]

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*play song*

Ein's pov.  

" Stay here, I'll check " Tyler said, I nodded and put Y/n down as I kneel down.

She coughs up more blood.

" Hey, stay with me " I said.

" I'm sorry " she said

" For what?, Don't be stupid " I said.

" I used you " she said.

I place my hand on her cheek and wipe the blood off with my thumb.

" It's okay " I said.

" Ever since Carter ordered me to gain your trust " she grunts.

" Save your strength " I said.

" I didn't expect to love you " she said, tears gathering in my eyes.

" Y/n don't " I said.

" I love you Ein " she smiles and a tear stream down her cheek, I wipe it off.

I look up and look around when my eyes landed on a clock.


I look back down at her and smile.

" We still have time " I wipe my face.

Tyler then comes back.

" Let's go, coast is clear " he said, I nodded and stood up as I carry Y/n.

We turn to the right and enter an office, where I see the Shadow Knight's and other fewer men's.

" So happy you could join the party! " Sasha shouts as she kicks a guy.

" Y/n! " Jeremy shouts as he sees Y/n in my arms.

" Last one! " Zenix shout as he punch the guy.

I see Vylad rush to me and I slowly put Y/n down.

" What happened to her? " Vylad asked as he place his hand on her cheek.

" Poisoned " I said.

" Is there a cure? " Ivy asked.

" We gotta ask Graham for that " Tyler said.

" Graham's not here, Carter let him go a few hours ago " Zane said.

" Fuck " Tyler said.

" Here " I see Sasha takes out a bandage and wrap it on Tyler's wounded arm.

" Thanks " he said and Y/n coughs up more blood.

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no! " Vylad panics.

" We have 30 minutes left before she's gone " I said.

I then felt a sharp pain on my back shoulder, I scream in pain and Vylad shot someone behind me. It felt like a knife and Tyler takes it out.

I was right.

" Where is Mariko and her brother's? " I asked.

" In the lobby, we gotta hurry, I don't think they can hold it much longer, Travis, Jae and Ash are with them " Jeremy said.

I carry Y/n and we head to the elevator and only five of us fit. Y/n not included.

" Sorry Sash, Ivy, Zenix, you guys need to exercise " Jeremy said an press the close button as they three gasp dramatically.

" Take the stairs " he said and the door closes.

There was a few seconds of silent until the door opens again. We exit and another few seconds later Ivy, Sasha and Zenix are down here already, panting.

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