7. In Plain Sight

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"Now we just need to get onto the ship and crack the code."

"Yeah, about that..." The three whirled around to face D.J.

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Guys, I can do it," he insisted. "But there exists a pre-doing conversation about price before I do."

"Once we're done the Resistance will give you whatever you want," promised Rose.

"Is that Haysian S-Smelt?" He pointed to Rose's medallion, the one matching the one her sister had. Her hand reached up to grasp it tightly. "Now that's something." He gave a shrug as if it were simple.

"No," Finn began to protest. 

Something flew in front of D.J.'s face, nearly hitting him. He caught it - Rose's medallion.

"Do it." She appeared close to tears, and spun her chair back around to face the controls.

He held it up. "Now I can help." With that, he got up and left the cockpit.

Chess and Finn exchanged a glance before both following him, BB-8 coming along as well.

"Give it back," ordered Finn, but D.J. was too distracted rifling through the ship's money supply. "Give. It. Back. You have no idea how much that medallion means to her."

"Here, take this instead." Chess took the chain from around her neck and held it out to him.

He eyed it. "Is that rare amber?" He nodded to the small orange bulb on the end of the chain.

"Yeah. It'll go with your ring." She nodded to the large amber ring on his left hand.

"That's q-q-quite a token..." He admired it. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I don't know where it came from, I've just always had it."

"Hmm." He sat back, fiddling with Rose's medallion that now hung around his neck. "Don't act so quickly. A token like that is surely something special, like a family heirloom."

"Well I doubt they would have cared enough to leave me with it."

"H-h-how do you mean?"

"They abandoned me, my family. I don't remember them, I was just a baby. But at least they left me with a family who took me in and loved me, raised me as their own, so I suppose I owe them that much, my real family."

"Hmmm..." He regarded her. Then he said, "No deal." With that, he turned back to the gold coins, taking a fistful and dropping them into his coat pocket so that they rattled when he walked.

"Why are you ransacking your own ship?" demanded Finn. Then he realized. "It's not your ship."

Beep beep! chirped BB-8.

"He says you stole it," said Chess.

"We stole it," said D.J.

The droid gave a beep in protest that sounded a lot like, "We?!"

Finn sighed. "This may have been a bad idea."

"Agreed," said Chess.  "But we're committed now. No turning back." They turned to leave.

"Uh, uh, don't f-forget your necklace." D.J. held out her chain to her.

"Keep it. I don't care."


"Rose, Chess, how's it going?" Finn asked, he and D.J. already dressed in First Order uniforms.

Rose stepped out from behind the wall she and Chess had been changing behind, Chess following, trying to fold her hair beneath the cap. "This uniform is much too big," she mumbled. She'd had to roll the pant legs up a lot, but luckily those could be tucked into the boots so it wasn't too obvious. But she also had to tighten her belt as tight as it would go around her waist, and even then it was a little loose, and the cap kept falling over her eyes.

In their disguises, Finn led them through the Destroyer and to the control panel. Chess had to contain a laugh when BB-8, disguised under a container, purposely bumped into a storm trooper walking by.

 Once they reached the panel, Chess and D.J. set down to work breaking the code while Rose, Finn, and B-B kept watch.

D.J. opened the panel, working on the buttons while Cess managed the wires. He took Rose's medallion and inserted it into the panel, causing a spark.

"H-Haysian S-Sm-melt. Best conductor," he explained, handing the medallion back to Rose.

"Good time to figure out how to get back to the fleet?" Rose asked Finn.

"Yeah, I know where the nearest escape pods are." 

"BB-8 tell me something good," came Poe's voice over the hand-held radio.

The droid passed the radio to Finn. "Poe, we're in. We're almost there. Have the Cruiser prepped for lightspeed."

"Yeah, I'm on it pal, you just hurry."

"We're running out of time," Rose updated.

"How's it going?" Finn asked the two code-breakers.

"Almost there..."

"We're working as fast as we can...

"Finn! We're ready to make the jump!" cried Poe.

"Now or never!" hissed Finn.

"Now-" The control pad illuminated and blinked. 

"You did it!" cried Rose.

"I can't believe it!" cried Chess in relief.

"Yes we did." D.J. smiled at Chess. "Nicely done."

"Thanks, you too."

"And here, have this back.  I think your family would want you to have it." He handed back her amber necklace.

Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Clunky footsteps announced a new presence: a gang of storm troopers led by Captain Phasma. 

"FN-2187, so good to have you back."

(Happy Star Wars Day! :) Of course I had to update this story today! May the Force (and 4th) be with you!

And they put 'The Rise of Skywalker' up on Disney+ which is very helpful for this story, so continuing right along!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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