11. Old Friends and Enemies

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(Okay, so I finally started Watching The Mandalorian and I LOVE IT!!! So now I'm working to connect this story with a Mando story, so bear with me while it's a work in progress (apologies for the confusion!) And did I rename my OC a third time? Yes, yes I did...)

They had gotten married quickly and recently.  It was probably not the best time - in the middle of a full-on total war - but that was exactly it: war was raging across the galaxy, and they were at the very centre of it. No one knew how long it would last, or how long they would last, and so they didn't want to miss out on a moment. Not a single one. 

And so they married, but they'd barely had a moment to celebrate what with the war going on.  They'd barely had a moment to rest, let alone acknowledge their marriage themselves. Everyone was too distracted. 

Now, looking back, Chess was thinking it had all happened too quickly. Things happen quickly in wartime, when really they should be more thought-out and calculated.  But they had always had a lot of strain around them heavy upon their relationship. 

"We've decoded the intel from the First Order spy," Poe was updating the Resistance. "And it confirms the worst: somehow, Palpatine returned."

Horrified gasps rose from the gathered crowd.

"Wait, to we believe this?" asked Rose.

"It cannot be! The Emperor is dead!" shouted someone. 

"Dark secrets, cloning. Secrets only the Sith knew," said someone else.

"He's been planning his revenge. His followers have been building something for years: the largest fleet the galaxy has ever known.  He calls it the Final Order. In sixteen hours, attacks on all free worlds begin," Poe explained gravely. "The Emperor and his fleet have been hiding in the Unknown Regions on a world called Exegol."

R2 chittered.  "Exegol does not appear on any star chart," translated C-3PO. "But legend describes it as the hidden world of the Sith."

"So Palpatine's been out there all this time, pulling the strings," said Chess.

"Always," agreed Leia. "In the shadows, from the very beginning."

"If we want to stop him, we must find him," said Maz. "Must find Exegol."

"General," Rey suddenly cried.  "Can I speak with you?"


"I'm going to pick up Luke's search for Exegol." Rey was decided. "I'm going to start where his trail went cold: the Forbidden Desert of Pasaana."

"We know, we're going with you," said Poe.

"I need to go alone," she insisted. 

"Yeah, alone with friends," replied Finn.

"It's too dangerous, Finn."

Chewie grunted, BB-8 chiming in.  

"I wholeheartedly agree," said C-3PO.

Rey couldn't help but smile. 

"Child." Maz's voice behind her made Chess stop where she was readying her kit for their journey. "Do you have a moment before you go?"

"Uh, yeah, sure Maz."

Maz gestured for Chess to follow her. Kit in hand, Chess followed Maz to where DJ stood. 

"Oh no, he's not using you to help him guilt me into talking to him-"

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