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I have pondered hard and long before i penned down my thoughts for the new chapter. I wanted to express what I feel today the eve of 5 August 2018 (as usual this get published later due to my OCD and lack of time arising from full work load at work and home). Many would wonder why? After many moons and with patience, i finally close a hurtful chapter. I have found the reasons that what has happened, it happens because of the best reasons possible. Although it take longer than what it should be. But it was truly wonderful when you are able to understands and see the mysterious answers and wisdom from go which shall be your strength and the intended rainbow.

Truthfully, writing this chapter was not easy. Choosing the right word for the title which would demonstrate my feelings has taken a bit of time. It was only yesterday (the eve of 5 August 2018), i was able to decide that the best title. The word as reflected is ETERNITY. It came by chance when i remembered about the song in the music video above. (LOL) that is the beauty of writing here in wattpad, your story becomes alive with the support of beautiful music. So, for those who reads my writing, my advice to you is that you read it with a pinch of salt and listen to the lyrics of the chosen music or posters. Reading it wholesomely will enfold the whole stories intended to be told. This will help an understanding as many may not experienced it as how i have.

Eternity. A word that roots from the word eternal and google search has provided the following result:

late 14c., from Old French eternel "eternal," or directly from Late Latin aeternalis, from Latin aeternus "of an age, lasting, enduring, permanent, everlasting, endless," contraction of aeviternus "of great age," from aevum "age" (from PIE root *aiw- "vital force, life; long life, eternity").


It is from the above definition we understand that eternity shall be something life long. In malay the nearest definition would be "abadi". The word eternity is used to depicts many situations. Today, in this entry, i am limiting it to love, befitting with the romance genre in wattpad. I always have the notion that when I fall in love it will be an eternal love. Till death do us part kind of thing. Well, that is the problem when you grew up being fed with Disney princess stories. I guess my mind are always in the clouds. Little did I know that in reality only some lucky ones will experience the eternal love i.e like the love story in the movie "Pulang" (psst advert sikit :).

But not all are as lucky. Others will face challenges to achieve it and many does not even experienced it. In our society such a matter is not discussed because it is taboo to do so. Hence many kept it bottled up till their death or they end up in a broken marriage. Some of the readers here would say it is impossible. All i can say, one day take a leave from work and attend the court sessions at the Syariah Courts, you will be amazed.

 All i can say, one day take a leave from work and attend the court sessions at the Syariah Courts, you will be amazed

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