Memories and Men

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Dear journal,
It is the lunar new year. And the animal is pig. Well i was born in 1971 and that was the year of the pig too. However, as i searched the net (again thank you for the development of technology huhuhu appreciation from a technology buff), my birth date falls before the celebration of the lunar new year.

According to my Chinese friends i am actually a dog and not a pig. Like that make a difference. Well according to them, it does and they now understand why my character has a mixture of a dog and a pig. Oh my! what a combination. Reading some of the positive attributes from both animals coincidentally i have them and along with the good i also inherit the negativity of the animals.

You know what my dear, if god did not place my mom's fate in the hands of my Atok and Opah, I guess all these will matters to me. They took in this little Chinese girl into their home and raised her as their own. It is with that act of kindness I am a Muslim. How bless my life is and I just take it for granted. 

I did not know my Atok from both side of lineage but I know that they are great men with great hearts. They are always in my prayer.  I am grateful that their little acts that paved a solid path before I was born has given me the greatest gift of all which is Islam. I must care of it more and repent my ways.

My darling journal, like always it is to you that I pour my heart and soul. Only that I allow others to read it so may be in a little ways if they are able to learn anything from it, it will be lessons which I have shared. May be that will help me in the hereafter.

I have been meaning to write this entry long before my birthday. Sort of my birthday tribute, but as usual procrastination got the best of me. So all my writings is slow update in the little world of orange.

I have set a long time ago that when the alphabet M comes my way I wanted to talk about my memories and how it shaped me. My conversation with my dear sister suggested to narrow it to my memories and men. How befitting right.

Thank you to the world of orange that a beautiful friendship turns into sisterhood which i belief that many others experience it too. I am grateful that she accepts me as her sister and I love her to the max.

 I am grateful that she accepts me as her sister and I love her to the max

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Coincidence is beautiful right. You ask me why my dear journal. Let me tell you why. Didn't you realize that I have actually began to tell the story which started by a great man who change the fate of my mom.

Yes my dear journal, that is the beginning of my memories and he is the first man which I will be grateful for eternity. I am Blind with admiration for a person whom I have not known nor see for he has surpassed me.

Some may say how could you love and care for a person whom you have not seen nor know. My answer is easy, if without the blessing of Allah (S.W.T) (whom we all have not seen), my Atok would not have the heart to accept this baby girl and raised her as a Muslim girl.

If it is not for this act of kindness, I may not been born for I can't fathom what will happen to her as the birth family is willing to give her away. The hardship they must have gone through is beyond what my mind is able to comprehend. The reading materials i have read shows only gory and terrible hardship. All i can do as the grandchild whom they do not know pray that Allah (SWT) grants kindness to their souls.

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