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Gems or  "Permata" as it is known in Malay is a well sought after mineral. As a matter of fact history has shown that human are actually obsessed by the beauty of these minerals. The obsession according to Marrisa Miller of CNN in her article What's behind our obsession with gems ( predates the time when gemology was establish. Why such fascination? Is it the beauty  or it has intrinsic values which is only known to a few.

All that I could conclude from my readings that there are many reasons why it is well sought for and it varies from one region to another. The most extreme reason to me would be the association that the gems possessed mystic powers. Yes, we gullible people will believe in anything for powers and beauty. . Just look at the Romans who has associate diamonds with the stars while the Greeks believe that it is the tears of the God. Why create such association? I guess the simple reason would be because it create an image where special items are only bestowed to special and privilege person.  

I am sure whoever reads this will wonder why on earth am i writing about gemstone in my journal. Well it is because I love gemstone. I always admire it's beauty. I am in awed with the powers of the Al Mighty in creating this precious and beautiful stone. From a piece of mineral it transform in time into a precious stone. Then with good crafting the stone is polish to glimmer into the precious stone that I love so much. Look at the necklace the lady in the picture below is wearing. Beautiful right.

We have to admit we love beautiful things

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We have to admit we love beautiful things. However, we forgot the process on how it became a beautiful gem. I realise now that we actually can learn from the  process. Let see, how does this process relates to our life?  Look at the mineral journey. It had to endure the test of time and pressure before it turn into precious stone by a talented craftsmen.

Hence,in reflection we too in our life journey goes through plenty of challenges and encounter with people whom affect and shaped us into who we are today. We are no different from the precious gems right. So everyone is precious. We must not forget that. But i do note that at times due to challenges we forget that we are precious. We forget our worth.

Truthfully, I too in my life journey has had my dark side. I have fail many time the test of pressure and fall when change is required. To a certain extend i was in the state of depression but it did was not clinical. I decide to penned this note as part of my journal entry to remind myself that failing or falling today does not mean that I will fall or fail forever.

In my journey, I acknowledge that rising from the fall was not easy

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In my journey, I acknowledge that rising from the fall was not easy. I have had plenty of help and from people whom i never phantom would help me. I must and are thankful that the All Mighty who has sent these angel in human form. They have pulled me up and at times has to beat me senseless so that I wake up from the state I was it. I am rather pig headed you see. If i belief in the caused i may not budge no matter how wrong it is. It its worst when I am a pessimist as i always have negative views first before embracing any positive views.

Their love and affections has resuscitate what i term as a dying heart. They are my defibrillator and I am forever grateful. I love them unconditionally and with my whole heart. Even when they are no longer with me. My love for them will not change. They with the permission of Al Mighty has made me realize that I am a worthy and precious person especially to those whom belief the gem in me. To me they are my precious gems and love.

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