Chapter 13: Diet

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   After working out with Jimin for two hours, it was now lunch time. On our way back to the dorms, him and I stopped by one of his favorite restaurants and picked up two of his favorite kind of salad. One for him and one for me. When we arrived at the dorms, we both decided to eat our salads and watch a movie at his place. 

   "Make yourself  home." He said as he opened his door to his spacious dorm. "Wow your room is much bigger than mine." I gawked as my eyes were traveling all throughout his home. "Compared to yours, it's only a few feet bigger." he said as he took his shoes off and placed them next to mine beside his door. "But yours has a small kitchen and mine doesn't. You even have enough space for a small living room. And did I mention that you have room for a huge television?!" I said still stunned by how much bigger his dorm is compared to mine. "Well I guess it is a bit bigger, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we eat these wonderful salads and enjoy a good movie." He said, handing me a bowl of salad and heading to the sofa, that was sitting in front of the television, as I followed behind him. "I still don't know why you didn't let me pay for my salad." I said still confused as I sat next to him. "Because it's my treat for you. Especially since you decided to go on this diet with me."

Oh, my bad. Did I forget to mention that I was going on this excruciating diet with him?!

   "Well I couldn't let you suffer all by yourself. But just to make things clear, are we really working out everyday?" I questioned him, hoping he'd say no. "I mean according to the rules of the diet, yes, you do have to workout everyday. But if you don't want to, I won't make you. I'll just go to the gym by myself sometimes." He said to me. I sigh of relief, now knowing that I don't have to workout everyday of this horrid diet.

   "So what movie are we going to watch?" I ask him, trying to get the topic of exercising, out of my mind. "Well, Jungkook was supposed to come by today and watch Iron Man with me when you were out with Lisa. But he never showed up, so I guess you and I will watch it. If it's okay with you, of course." He told me, worried I wouldn't like what he had to offer. "No, Iron Man is perfectly fine." I said to him reassuring that it was a good idea. He smiled at me and popped to Iron Man into the DVD player and started the movie.

   We had watched about half the movie, when I suddenly started getting cold. I turned my head in all directions trying to find a blanket somewhere. Jimin looked over and noticed me struggling. "If your trying to find a blanket, then there's one on my bed. Or you can get a spare one out of my closet." He said while pointing to his bed and then his closet. I huffed, "But it's too far and I don't want to move." He chuckled at me, probably finding my excuse childish or something. "You're so cute when your frustrated." He said, which caught me off guard. "If you'd like, you can come sit by me." He offered to me, with his arms stretched out. I was a bit flustered at his actions but decided that I wouldn't be too bad and accepted his offer. I scooted over closer to him and leaned beside him, onto his shoulder. I could feel my ears turning red, as the scent of sweet and soft, yet strong and robust, filed my nose. I felt his arm snaking around my back as he set his hand on my shoulder gently. His kind and light touch, shivers down my spine and flooded red all throughout my cheeks.

   The movie was almost over when the door had slammed open. Jimin and I exchanged a confused look, as he wasn't expecting any guest. Him and I heard a familiar voice boom through the door as we heard him take his shoes off.

   I know this voice all too well to forget it.

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