Chapter 34: I Promise

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So, I'm planning to start writing in a different format. Hope this makes it easier to read.


   "And she just came in and ruined everything! I haven't even seen Jungkook for a couple of days now, because of her!" I exclaimed to my mother who was on the other side of the phone.

   Today was the day that Jimin was officially leaving to go to America. We had all helped him pack yesterday, well everyone except Jungkook.

   That night after Lisa left, Jungkook hasn't been the same. We don't talk, call, or text as much as we used to. He won't even come down to eat breakfast with the boys and I. The only time I ever see him out of his dorm, is when he's going to his classes, but other than that, he never leaves his bed.

   Hell, the only way he eats is when I bring him food for lunch and dinner and force him to eat it. I knew Jungkook was really shocked when he saw Lisa, but I didn't know it would affect him this much. I'm just scared he's going to relapse into his depression again.

   I had asked Jungkook to come and see Jimin at the airport with the rest of the boys and I, before he leaves. At first, he didn't except, but he changed his mind when I offered to drive him there myself. In fact, I should actually be picking him up in about five minutes.

   "Hey, mom? I've got to go and pick Jungkook up. Thank you for listening to me." I informed her.

   "No problem, honey. I hope he starts to feel better soon." She replied back to me. We both said our goodbye's and I love you's before I ended the call.

   As soon as I hung up, I stuck my phone in my pocket and headed towards Jungkook's dorm.

   Once I opened the door, I saw exactly what I expected. Jungkook was laying in his bed, sound asleep, just how I've always found him lately.

   "Jungkook, wake up." I say, while gently shaking his shoulder. I hear a loud groan from Jungkook, as he turned over on his side, facing me. He opened his eyes and slightly smiled.

   "Morning, babe." Jungkook said, his voice sounding raspy.

   "Jungkook, it's three o' clock in the afternoon. You need to get up, so you can tell Jimin goodbye before he leaves." I told him, but Jungkook had other plans. He closed his eyes and quickly turned back on his other side, trying to go back to sleep.

   I crawled into his bed, behind him, wrapping my arms round his back, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck.

   "Jungkook?" I called out.

   "Yes?" Jungkook answered.

   "I'm... I'm worried for you." I informed him.

   "What do you mean, Y/N?" Jungkook questioned, confusion and worriedness could be heard in his voice.

   "I mean, you've been at bit... different lately... a bit, distant... I guess I'm just concerned, Jungkook." I stated, hugging him a little tighter than before.

   "I'm fine, trust me, Y/N." Jungkook declared, trying to reassure me.

   My eyes started to tear up, "I... I just don't want to loose you, Jungkook. You're too important to me." I choked out, my tears blurring my vision.

   Jungkook turned his body around and swaddled me in his muscular arms. "I will never, ever leave you Y/N. We will always stay together. I promise." He said, as he pulled my face into his chest.


Hi guys! Sorry I got to cut this one short, but I'm really tired and I need to get up early in the morning! I hope this new writing format works better!


Also, I was watching VLive earlier... don't you love it when it buffers, just at the right moment? Lol I don't even remember what was happening. I just thought the faces they're making looked funny.

 I just thought the faces they're making looked funny

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Bye! Love youuu!

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