Chapter 39: Stranger

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WARNING: This has a situation that may be disturbing to reader's. If it becomes too uncomfortable, please do not read this chapter.


   Once arriving to our destination, the sound of music and bass flooded through our ears, along with the sound of college students whooping and hollering with red solo cups in their hands.

   As we casually and cautiously entered the frat house, someone who already looked a bit drunk, offered us all drinks. Being the kind people we are, we each took a cup of what seemed to be beer, trying not to come off as rude people.

   Looking around the house, I saw many things, some of it being normal and also things that would... scar me for life.

   There were people just casually talking and kind of bobbing their heads to the beat of the music. Then, there were some other people -some people, meaning most of everyone there- swaying and almost falling to the floor as they walked to the kitchen to fetch more alcohol, but don't even get me started on all the people grinding against each other's junk.

   The thing that stood out the most though, was all the random people making out and reaching under each other's shirts or sticking their hands in their pants, as they sucked on each other's mouths, practically eating the other person's face. I can't even say that I'm surprised though.

   Although, I can't say I'm pure myself, but at least do that somewhere private!

   I turned back around to my friends, but I only saw Jungkook. I met his gaze that was currently looking at Namjoon and Jin playing beer pong. I chuckled to myself as I saw Jin already drunk, trying to throw a ping-pong ball into a cup full of alcohol and Namjoon holding his waist to keep him from falling on the floor.

   I was already reaching for my phone to take a video, planning to show the couple tomorrow when they were sober, but Jungkook stopped me. His gaze turned from the alcohol impaired couple, to my eyes.

   "Where's Hoseok?!" He yelled out over the loud music.

   "I don't know! Do you want to go look for him together?!" I asked him, also hollering over the booming music.

   "Sounds like a good idea! Let's go!" I agreed as he took my hand and led me into the infinite abyss of people.

   As we were walking through the swarm of students, I felt somebody grab my ass. I hurriedly turned around a found a male smirking at me.

   "Wanna come with me baby?" He asked me, then winked, causing me to internally cringe.

   Before I could answer him and tell him 'no', Jungkook pulled my hand and yanked me away from the man.

   "I found him!" Jungkook said, not even bothering to look at me, he just focused on getting him and I to where Hoseok was.

   Did he see the man grab me? Should I tell him? No. He would be furious. He would probably punch him. Then, we would get in trouble and cause too much of a disturbance.

   Jungkook and I stopped walking once we reached Hoseok. He was sitting on a couch with two girls sitting beside him, one on his left and the other on his right, none of the girls looking familiar to me.

   My eyes grew wide as I saw one of the girls rub her hand up and down his abs. I saw him smile as the girl did this, yet he seemed to pay no attention to her as he looked too busy with the other female sitting next to him. His face only inches away from the stranger's.

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