Chapter 16: Walk in the Park

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   "What is it Y/N?" Jungkook said to me. He doesn't sound as annoyed as he used to, he actually sounds, almost... concerned. "Can you and I, umm... walk together?" I asked him hesitantly. "What do you mean?" He said with a confused face. "I-I mean, can you and I walk together and preferably talk too. Maybe at the park?" I asked him. Why am I so nervous? "Sure, but first, can you let go of me. People are staring at us." Jungkook demanded. I look at my hand that was firmly holding onto his wrist and quickly let go of him. "Oh, sorry. Uh, let's go." I told him sheepishly.

   I was going to take him to the park on campus, but he preferred to go somewhere off campus. Does he not want to be seen with me? Am I that ugly to him? But even if I questioned his response, I still obeyed what he wanted. Thankfully the park that we're walking to is only five minutes away. But even though it's a short distance, the silence made it seem like we were walking a marathon. The silence between was wasn't only awkward but it was uncomfortable, tense, and almost embarrassing. I desperately wanted Jungkook to break the silence, but he didn't. So it was troublesome throughout the whole way there. 

   Once we got there we walked along the paved pathway for a couple of minutes, until I couldn't take the silence anymore. "Jungkook, I brought you here so I can talk to you and you can talk to me. I know we haven't been on the best terms, but I really want to get to know you. I want to get to know the great and happy person the guys describe you to be. I want to be friends, Jungkook. So tell me what's wrong, do you not like me or do you just not want to get to know me? You can tell me, I won't get offended." I said to him a bit worried and concerned. But I think I might have said a little too much, he looks bombarded with questions and statements. "Umm, can we just start with the basics first? If I start to feel more comfortable with you, then I will tell you why I ignore you. Does that sound alright?" He asked me with a stern voice. "Oh, of course... The basics... right.... Of course we can start with basics." I sound like a total idiot, what the hell Y/N! But Jungkook found it funny, he's trying to hold in his laughter, but it just comes out was a soft chuckle. I look over at him. He's holding his hand over his mouth with his hand clenched into a fist. Did I really sound that stupid? But every time he moves his hand, I can see his smile, just barely.

   He looks like a bunny, it's not what I'm used to, but I like it. It's... cute.

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