Chapter 40: Sweatshirt

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   Jungkook had brought me to his dorm after we left the party, afraid of anybody else hurting me.

   After hearing Jungkook lecture to himself for thirty minutes about how he should been there with me or at least taken me with him, he finally smelt what I've been smelling for an hour in a half.


   Yes, the alcohol that I had spilled on myself because of a drunk college student who wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings. The stench has been burning my nose hairs for what seemed like forever.

   "I totally forgot about your shirt. Sorry." Jungkook stated as he got up from his bed and moved to his closet. "Is this okay to wear?" He questioned as he handed me an off white, almost an ivory or cream colored shirt.

   I took the shirt a looked at it. "It looks perfect, thank you." I told him with a smile.

   Jungkook just stood there, looking at me, almost as if he was waiting for something. Until he blinked and came back to reality. "Oh, right. You need to change, sorry." He said, quickly covering his eyes and turned around.

   "I don't care." I declared.

   Jungkook slowly turned around with his hands still covering his eyes. "What do you mean?" He questioned as he moved his fingers, showing his eyes, but still covering half his face.

   "I mean, I don't care if you look at me while I'm changing." I stated.

   He took his hands away from his face and tilted his head to the side. "Why don't you care?" He asked innocently, seeming completely confused.

   "Why should it matter? You've already seen me naked before. Remember?" I informed Jungkook as I started to unbutton my pants.

   "Oh, right... I have seen you naked- wait?! Why are you taking your pants off too?" Jungkook wondered as his face blushed a shade of light pink.

   "There was a little bit of alcohol on my pants. So, I'm going to take them off too. Is that okay?" I asked, stopping my movements.

   "That's, uh... that's fine." Jungkook declared, one of his hands came back up to his face and covered his eyes.

   I raised an eyebrow, "You've seen me without clothes before. Why are you acting like this?" I interrogated as I walked closer to him.

   He lowered his hand back to his side, "Well, it's different when I see you... naked, we're usually doing... stuff. When I see you... like that, I'm usually distracted by other thoughts that go through my mind. Like, well... uh..." He smiled and chuckled to himself as he thought of an answer that he never said. "Oh, I always think of how I could please you... or I always make it my priority not to hurt you. There's many other things that go through my mind." He confessed. "And, to be truthfully honest, I've never actually stared at your body before, well I mean I have but..." He trailed off.

   I interrupted him before he could speak anymore gibberish, "Well, do you want me to get dressed in the bathroom?"

   "What? No, no. You're fine. You can change your clothes in here. Well, if you want to." He said as he scratched the back of his neck.

   "Okay." I simply said, before I set Jungkook's shirt on his bed.

   I carefully finished unbuttoning my pants and slid them off my legs, kicking them to the side. Then, I held the helm of my shirt and peeled the alcohol drenched shirt off of my frame, only leaving me in a matching set of black panties and a bra. I felt Jungkook's eyes glued to my body.

   Out of curiosity, I turned my head around, only to see Jungkook's eyes widened and his face tinted a cherry red. I giggled to myself as I turned back around a threw his shirt over my head, covering myself.

   After getting dressed, I turned around again to see Jungkook still zoned out. He must have been so focused that he didn't even see me turn around.

   I smiled and rolled my eyes as I walked towards him and waved my hand in front of his face, "Hello~? Earth to Jungkook!"

   He blinked and slightly shook his head, "Oh, sorry I was..."

   "Distracted?" I finished his sentence.

   "Hehe, yeah... distracted." Jungkook quietly said to himself, yet he was loud enough for me to hear him.

   I made my way to the mirror Jungkook had hanging beside his bed and looked at my appearance.

   I turned from my left side to my right side, trying to find the best angle. Once discovering that just looking at myself, face forward, was the best angle, I took a look at the clothes I was wearing.

   I saw how I was now wearing one of Jungkook's favorite sweatshirts. Even though it fit him perfectly, it was very big on me. The sleeves were covering my hands completely, the shirt drooped all the way down to the middle of my thighs and the collar was big enough to expose only one of my shoulders, causing it to show my bra strap.

   I forgot about my appearance, once I noticed the splendid aroma that was coming from the fabric.

   It smelt like him. It smelt like the man I loved. It smelt like the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. It smelt just like... Jungkook.

   I had been brought out of my trance, once I felt the sent become stronger. I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook wrapping his arms around my torso, his hands meeting in front of my stomach. He rested his head on my shoulder and nestled his nose in the crook of my neck, placing light kisses on my skin.

   "What are you thinking about?" He quietly asked as he closed his eyes.

   "You..." I trailed off as I closed my eyelids and rested my head back, setting it on Jungkook's shoulder, ""

   I felt him smile against my skin as he stopped his movements and started to sway back and forth, causing me to following his actions with his, considering his arms were latched around me. "What about, us?"

   "I was thinking about how I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Get married, have kids... get old together. Spend every second with each other as we hold hands and share kisses and hugs along the way. Watch the kids that we'll create, grow and have children of their own and make us grandparents. Making memorable memories that will last a life time, like the ones that you'll never forget. Even if you get gray or white hair and wrinkles, you'll remember every second of every moment... That's what I was thinking about." I confessed to him as I softly giggled to myself.

   "Me too, Y/N..." Jungkook said, "Me too."

The End


Hi guys! Don't have anything to say today!

But there is an amazing song that I discovered a couple weeks ago that I forgot to tell you guys about! It's called, 'Even If It's a Lie' by: Matt Maltese. Go check it out!


Hope you had an amazing day!


Bye! Love youuu!


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