Chapter 14: Popcorn, Candy, & Soda

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   "Sorry I'm a bit late. I know I said I'd be here earlier but I was a bit... busy. And by busy, I mean I was sleeping... hehe, oops. I know you're on a diet and all, but I bought you some popcorn, candy, and soda, to make it up to you for being late." Jungkook was taking off his shoes, jacket, and even his socks, before he made his way to the tiny kitchen Jimin had in his home. He was so busy talking and putting the popcorn in the microwave. He didn't even notice that Jimin and I were snuggled against each other on the couch, already watching the movie he was going to watch. "Umm, I'll talk to him." Jimin said to me quietly before pulling away from the me and the sofa. It had only been a few seconds and I already miss the warmth and sent of him.

   Jimin had been talking to Jungkook for only a couple of minutes before he chuckled a little bit. Jungkook had turned around from the kitchen and searched around the living room with a smirk on his face. "Oh, so who did you invite as your guest, Jimin? Is she pretty like you say? Is she-" He stopped as spotted me on the couch with my cheeks and the tips of my ears red. "Oh. It's you." His brightened face turned dark and blank once he saw me. The lightened and happy mood turn into a battlefield as he stared into my soul. 

   Why does he hate me so much?! I only talked to him once. And all I said, was if he could turn his music down! Why does that bring him to hate someone so much, to give them the look Jungkook's giving me right now?!

   "Why is she here, Jimin?" He quickly turned back to Jimin and got me out of his sight. "Umm, she's the one I told you about. Do you know her?" Jimin said to Jungkook nervously and questionably. "You told me that she we funny and cute. Not rude and annoying." He said to Jimin as he glanced over at me with a disgusted face. "You shouldn't be talking about Y/N like that, Jungkook!" He yelled to him with an angered face. I was sitting on the couch, wondering if I should even be listening to this conversation. "But she's the neighbor I was talking about." Jungkook told him as he pointed a finger at me. "Yeah, I know she's your neighbor! I know where she lives! That's why I was laughing when you told me your story, because I knew Y/N would never be that rude. Especially to somebody she just met... Jungkook... I don't know what's gotten into you lately. Get out." Jimin said, frustrated but soon his face turned worried and saddened. Jimin pointed to the door. "Get out, just... get out. We can talk about this later." Jungkook slumped his shoulders as he slowly started to walk towards the door.

   I can do this anymore. I'm worried for the both of them. They need to talk now not later. And plus, if Jungkook was to leave, there would be a really weird vibe between Jimin and I.

   I got off of the couch and headed towards the door and started putting my shoes on, "No, let me leave, not you, Jungkook. I... I have some things I need to do anyways. Goodbye Jimin, I had a wonderful time today, thank you!" Then I looked into Jungkook's eyes, as I saw something that worried him. I whispered softly to where only Jungkook and I could hear each other, "I hope we can become friends soon. Take care of yourself and resolve your problems... Goodbye Jungkook."

   And just like that, I closed the door and was out of Jimin's dorm.

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