Chapter 35: Before it's Too Late

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   The drive to the airport with Jungkook, was a bit silent and awkward, but neither one of us dared to speak a word. Although, only when we finally reached our destination, did Jungkook open his mouth.

   "I'm scared, Y/N." Jungkook said, as he bumped my hand and almost instantly, intertwining our fingers together.

   "You'll be fine. He'll only be gone for a little while. Before you know it, he'll be back and you'll be begging for him to leave again." I stated, trying my best to reassure him.

   "Why would I want him to go back?" He said, as we made our way through the doors, into the cold and air-conditioned building.

   "Because he wouldn't be able to shut up about the states and he'll keep rambling and rambling and rambling and rambling and-" I was cut off.

   "Okay, I get your point now." He declared, sounding just a little bit annoyed, and yet still very content.

   "I'm right though, aren't I?" I questioned, rubbing my shoulder against Jungkook's arm, trying to gain some warmth from him, considering that I was freezing my ass off.

   "If he never shut up... then yes, I would probably get annoyed and ask him to go back to the United States. But I've also know him for a long time now, babe. I'm pretty sure I know how to tune his annoyance out." Jungkook informed and let go of my hand.

   "Hey... why did you let go?" I asked, visibly pouting and jutting my bottom lip out.

   "So I can do this instead." He said before bringing his arm behind my back and wrapping his hand around my waist, bringing me closer to his chest. "People keep starring at you. It's bothering me."

   "Oh. Thanks." Was all I managed to say, becoming flustered from his act of kindness and love.

   I was about to ask Jungkook a question, until he stopped in his tracks, quickly leaving himself behind, as I kept walking.

   "What are you doing?" I asked, confusion swirling around my thoughts.

   Jungkook said nothing, but pointed his index finger towards a group of boys. "Is that them?"

   "Oh, yeah. That's Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin... but where's Yoongi at?" I questioned before I spotted him sitting in chair, only a few feet away from where the rest of our friends were standing. It almost looks like he's... sleeping? Why does that not surprise me anymore? "Anyways... are you ready?" I asked, walking back to Jungkook and taking his hand into mine.

   "Uh... sure." He managed to say, as he squeezed the living shit out of my fingers, from obvious nervousness.

   "It'll be fine, Jungkook. I'm right here if you need me. Okay?" I informed.

   "Okay." He simply said, still staying in place, not moving a single muscle.

   "Alright, great..." I stated before gently pushing Jungkook's back and signaling him to move forward.

   Once we both reached our group of friends, we were greeted with smiles and happiness.

   "Oh, they're here!" Taehyung exclaimed as he ran over and hugged both, Jungkook and I.

   "Finally, what took you so long?" Jin questioned.

   "He really didn't want to get out of bed. Let's just say... he didn't get enough sleep." I replied and felt the grip of Jungkook's hand tighten around mine, but only slightly.

   "Oh... so you did it?" Taehyung joked around as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

   "Really? Again?" Namjoon spoke up.

   "Wow guys. Needy much?" Hoseok piped up, including himself in the conversation.

   "What? No! I was just saying that he wanted more sleep. I'm not saying that he didn't sleep at all. My goodness, guys. Why do you guys think we always do that?" I questioned them all.

   "We're just playing with you guys." Taehyung stated and lightly punched Jungkook's bicep.

   I noticed Jungkook's hand slowly constricting mine. With every second, getting tighter and tighter. I looked to my side and saw Jungkook's face. His face was smiling and happy, but his body language told me something different.

   I stared at him for a while, examining his face. I saw how his the ends of his lips curled up into a friendly and genuine smile, sometimes he even let out a small chuckle. I watched how his eyes were more lit up than they have been recently, but not nearly as bright as they used to be. Yet, I still knew something was wrong, even though he looked fine from the outside. I studied his face more deeply and carefully. Then I saw it, the problem. As I looked into his eyes, I noticed how he would occasionally look over to the side and glance at Jimin. Every time he caught sight of him, that's when he'll tighten his grip.

   I glance over at Jimin, who was currently talking to Yoongi. Although it looked like Yoongi was annoyed... Jimin must've woken him up. I wonder if he's trying to avoid Jungkook, like Jungkook is trying to ignore him? Or maybe he hasn't seen Jungkook yet? Either way, I can't bare to see them separated.

   "Why don't we go over to Jimin?" I suggested and everyone agreed and started to make their way towards Jimin and Yoongi.

   I could tell how even when I said Jimin's name, Jungkook would clutch his hand. "It's fine, Jungkook. Just breathe." I said, then gently shook my hand, indicating for Jungkook to let go.

   "Oh, r-right." He stuttered as he noticed my hand starting to turn purple, then quickly letting it go. "Sorry, I didn't even notice. Are you okay?" He asked while carefully picking up my hand and examining it.

   I pulled my hand away from his hold, "I'm fine." I declared.

   "Are you sure?" He questioned, worry written all over his face.

   "I'm fine, Jungkook. Now, stop making excuses and let's go see Jimin before it too late!" I exclaimed as I rolled my eyes at his statement.


Hi guys! So, I'm really happy that I finally switched to this format. I've been wanting to do it for a while now... I just keep forgetting. But, I'm glad I remembered! It's much easier and faster to write now. I'll probably go back and edit the other chapters to look like this, after I finish this book.


Also, I'm thinking about doing a Q&A on the very last chapter. So, if you'd like, you can post any questions (be reasonable) at anytime! Questions can be about anything; the story, the characters, or even about me! Please don't be shy to ask, and if you are, you can just message me a question (if you'd like).

P.S. I totally understand if you don't want to ask me a question. I'd just like to start interacting more with my readers (even though I hardly have any).


Bye! Love youuu!

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