Chapter 33: It's You

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   "Why is the door locked?" I asked immediately, as I looked towards Yoongi. "I must have locked it after Jungkook came in. Sorry, it's a habit." Yoongi said, as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in and walked to the door. "Wait. Stop." I told him sternly before he reached the door. "What is it? I was just going to unlock the door. It's probably just Jimin or Taehyung." He tried to assure me. "What if it's a burglar? Neither Jimin or Taehyung would want to get in as bad as that person." I say as I pointed towards the entry, the door knob still being rattled vigorously by a person in the hallway.

   "She has a point. Let me open the door." Jungkook declared, as he stood up from the bed, where him and I were sitting. "No Jungkook. Let's just call the administrators, they can help. I don't want to make this situation any worse than it already is." I told him as I grabbed his arm, stopping him. "No. By the time they get here, the guy will already be gone. Then nothing's going to happen. Hell, if I don't do anything, then that person might even come back. What if I'm not here when that happens? I'm not letting that dude hurt you! I'm going to end this now." Jungkook said, then pulled his arm away from my grasp and walked to the entry.

   Once he was standing in front of the door he moved Yoongi aside and opened the it. "Look dude, I think you have the wrong... room." Jungkook tried to say, but then slowed down and widened his eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Yoongi yelled, as he moved Jungkook, who was frozen in place and silent, to the side. "Yoongi! That's is no way to talk to a stranger-" I was cut off as I heard a voice I never wanted to hear in my life, ever again. I focused my gaze towards Jungkook, who was now violently shaking as he heard the voice of a demon.

   "Well, hello to you too, Yoongi." she said. "What the hell do you want, Lisa?!" Yoongi yelled, loud enough for the whole campus to hear.

   I hurried towards Jungkook and moved him into my bathroom, trying to get him as far away as possible from her.

   "I just want'ed to see Y/N, I want to talk to her. But I never expected to see a handsome angel instead." Lisa said. "Oh, shut the fuck up! You're just another bitch that tried to get into his pants! You never saw him the same way he saw you!" Yoongi stated. "Whatever. Can I talk to Y/N now?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and sounding annoyed. "No! You have no right to see-" Yoongi managed to say, before I cut him off. "No Yoongi. If she wants to talk to me, then let her. Why don't you go help Jungkook?" I tell him, trying to stay as calm as possible. "Oh, is Jungkook having a panic attack?" she said sarcastically.

   Yoongi quickly lunged his body forward, trying to get towards Lisa, before I stopped him. I pushed him back with as much strength as I could, with all my strength. It was no use though, Yoongi kept moving forward, causing us to stay place, our bodies both pushing forward in different directions, and Yoongi trying to jump over my shoulder. "You ruined his fucking life, you bastard! You ruined everything, damn, thing he had!" he declared, violently pointing his index finger towards her, with furrowed eyebrows and an angered face.

   "Yoongi! Stop! Jungkook needs you!" I yell, tired of trying to stay calm. Yoongi calmed down and I felt his body start to relax, but he never took his eyes off Lisa. "Hey, look at me." I said, as I gently patted his cheek, trying to get his attention. "What?" Yoongi said, adverting his gaze towards me and away from Lisa. "Jungkook. He needs you. Go." I quickly said, commanding him to move towards the bathroom. "Fuck you." Yoongi said to Lisa before he made his way towards the bathroom, where Jungkook was still sitting.

   "What is it?" I asked, as I brought Lisa into he hallway. "Can't we talk in your dorm? Everyone probably heard the argument and I don't want them eavesdropping on our conversation." Lisa suggested. "No. I'm fine talking out here. I don't care if anyone hears. Plus, I'm not letting you get anywhere near Jungkook." I declared, as I crossed my arms across my chest. "Fine, whatever." she rolled her eyes as she talked. There was a silent pause between us, as she and I said not even one word.

   "Well? What is it?" I asked, implying her to talk. "Right. I just came here to see how you're doing. You know... without me." Lisa said with a smirk painted on her lips. "I'm doing just fine. Because unlike you, I'm actually dating Jungkook, not using him. So, yeah. I'm having a terrific time with my sweet, lovable, and charming boyfriend. Oh, and if you were going to ask me about friends? Don't even worry about it, because I have six new, awesome best friends now. But, thank you anyways for worrying about me. I hope you have a wonderful life too, you know... without me." I said with a smile, before turning around and closing the door in her face. "Whatever." I hear her say, which was muffled by the door. I chuckled to myself and rolled my eyes.

   I was quickly brought to reality, when I heard someone speak. "Is she gone yet?" I hear Yoongi say.

   "Yes, she's gone for good... hopefully."


That was a lot to take in, even for me. My head hurts from writing this. But, I'm sure I'll be fine later.

So, did any of you guys see that coming? I sure didn't. The idea popped into my head the other day when I was writing, and BAM! It was created!


Bye! Love youuu!

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