Chapter 23: Soju

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   I woke up in a familiar, yet still unfamiliar bed. My head hurt like crazy. I quickly rose up from the bed and sat up, which caused my brain to throb in pain even more. I examined the room that I was placed in. In the corner of my eye, I saw something shift on the floor. The figure was covered up with blankets and it's head was placed on a single pillow. I looked around the room once more before I discovered where I was. I was in Jungkook's dorm.

   "Jungkook!" I yelled. The figured that was once soundly asleep, rapidly sprung his body forward and looked at me tiredly. "What is it?!" He asked, almost sounding worried. His eyes quickly landed on me, but then he swiftly turned his head around. I sat there with an eyebrow raised in confusion. "C-Can you please cover yourself." He said sheepishly. I quickly looked down and glanced at myself, now realizing the problem.

   I briskly covered myself with the covers. "What did you do to me?!" I yelled at him, but he just sat there, with his back turned towards me. He was silent. "Oh my Lord. Did you... Did you take advantage of me?!" I yelled at him with anger and disbelief. "What?! No!" He said, turning his face back towards mine, making eye contact. "Then why am I shirtless?!" I asked, while still yelling at him. "You took it off! Not me!" He stated. I just stared at him. "Why in the world would I take my shirt off? And why am I in your bed?" I questioned him.

   "You were drunk last night. Like, really drunk. After we watched the fireworks, you insisted on going to the bar to get a few drinks. You said you needed to get something off your mind. I told you it was a bad idea, but you wouldn't stop asking. So, we ended up going to the bar. It started out smoothly, but then you started to ask for more and more soju, and that's where things escalated for you. You even tried to make out with a total stranger, before I pulled you off of him. Then, I decided that we needed to leave. So, I took you here because I didn't trust you by yourself." he said to me. I just sat on his bed, still covering myself with the blankets, in awe.

   "So you didn't take advantage of me?" I asked. "Of coursed not. Why do you think I was sleeping on the floor? I would never take advantage of anyone. In fact, you were the one who tried to take advantage of me." He declared. "What?! No! I wouldn't take advantage of you!" I yelled at him. "That's not what you thought when you tried to grab my junk last night!" He yelled back. "Are you serious? I did that? Oh my lord. I am so sorry." I said to him as I calmed my voice.

   "Anyways..." He said as he was looking around the floor. "Please put your shirt back on, then you and I can go to breakfast. The boys are probably waiting for us." He continued, then tossed my shirt towards me.

   He got up from the floor, then folded the blankets he was laying on and put the pillow back on his bed. When he wasn't looking, I quickly uncovered myself and put my shirt on. After he put the pillow and blankets away, Jungkook went to his closet and pulled a shirt off a hanger. I was still sitting on the bed, and was staring at Jungkook's figure, admiring it. But I was brought out of my daydreaming, when I realized he had taken his shirt off. My eyes were widened. His back was toned and muscular, and yet his waist was very small and thin. His skin was fair, but it still had been kissed by the sun.

   He had put the new shirt from his closet on his body and had placed his hands at the waistband of his sweatpants, about to pull them down, but he stopped. He started to turn around and I quickly spun my head the other direction. I didn't want him to catch me staring. "Oh, I almost forgot you were here. Why don't you just go ahead and make you're way towards the cafeteria? I'll meet you down there later." Jungkook suggested. "Uh, yes. That sounds like a good idea." I said, then got out of his bed and headed towards the cafeteria.

   When I got to the cafeteria, I didn't even bother to get food, I wasn't hungry. I just made my way towards the usual table where the boys and I eat breakfast. When I got there, the only people sitting at the table was Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok. "Why aren't you eating breakfast, Y/N? The diet says that you have to have breakfast, remember?" Jimin questioned. "I'm not hungry." I stated as I sat down next to him. "Why aren't you hungry? You always want food. Is something wrong?" Hoseok said, after he swallowed his waffles. "Kind of." I said. "What is it?" Jimin asked. "Well, after classes, I'm planning on having a talk with Lisa. I don't think she'll be my friend later." I told them. "What? Why?" Taehyung interrogated. "Don't you know about Lisa?" I said to him confused. "Um, Y/N. He never met Lisa." Jimin said to me. "Wait you mean that Y/N's friend is that one girl?!" Taehyung said frustrated. "Yes, Taehyung. But I didn't know about what happened until yesterday. Didn't you meet her when she was dating Jungkook. I mean they were together for three years." I told him. "No. I never had a chance to meet her. But I'm kind of glad I never did. Otherwise, when I saw her the other night at your place, I probably would've done something I wouldn't have been very proud about." He told me. "Oh." Was the only thing I managed to say.

   "Well, thank the Lord, Jin isn't here. He would've been very mad if he was here right now. He hates talking about her." Hoseok said. "Speaking of Jin, where is he?" I asked him. "Namjoon and him said they were... busy." He said, while having air quotations when he said busy. Everyone laughed, except me. "I don't get it." I told them. "You will soon." Jimin said, after he calmed down from laughing.


Hi guys! I'm very sorry I haven't posted a chapter in... two days? I don't even remember when the last time was. I have been very distracted lately. I'll try my best not to do it again.

I hope you liked this chapter, I made it a little longer than usual, as a way of saying sorry.


Bye! Love youuu!

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