Chapter 19: Milk

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   "Hey guys." Hoseok said as he saw Jungkook and I walking towards them, with our trays of food in our hands. Him and I had both gotten waffles with syrup and a side of mixed berries. "What's up guys" I said to them while I sat down, Jungkook following my actions and sitting next to me. "Oh, we forgot to get something to drink, Jungkook. I'll be right back guys." I started to get out of my seat, but Jungkook held me back. "No, I'll get them for you." He said, then walked into the infinite abyss of students.

   "Where were you this morning, Y/N? I tried going by your dorm today, so we can eat breakfast together. But when I knocked on your door, you never answered." Jimin spoke up. "Oh, sorry. Well, you know how I said I'd take Jungkook home last night? Well when I did-" Jin interrupted me. "Ew! Did you guys do it?!" He questioned with a disgusted face. "What?! No! Well he tried to, but I wouldn't let him. But if you'd let me finish, I was going to say was that, Jungkook wouldn't let me go back home and I ended up spending he night a his place." I told them, finally explaining everything. "Oh, that makes sense. Jungkook hates being alone and it's even worse when he's drunk." Taehyung said. 

   Why would Jungkook be scared of being alone? He's popular and has many friends. Right?

   "Here you go, Y/N. What are you guys talking about?" Jungkook said as he placed a cup of milk in front of him and I. "Thank you." I said to him. "We weren't talking about much... But you look like complete shit, Jungkook." Yoongi said with a straight face. "Wow, thanks, hyung." Jungkook said sarcastically. "Watch your language, Yoongi!" Jin scolded him. I better not curse around him.

   Once we were all finished with our breakfast, we talked for awhile. "So do want to go work out now, Y/N?" Jimin asked me. "Wait, you guys work out together?" Jungkook asked in disbelief. "Yes we do. You'd know that if you actually hung out with us." Jimin said irritated. Everyone fell silent in the group. Jimin and Jungkook just stared at each other, almost as if they were communicating through thoughts. "Let's go, Y/N." Jimin said. I got up quietly and slowly as Jungkook just stared at Jimin and I. Jimin grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the cafeteria.

   "What was that, Jimin?" I said to him confused. "It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it. It's only between Jungkook and I." He said, still irritated. "Does the rest of the guys know?" I questioned him. "Yes, but-" He tried to say, but I cut him off. "If everyone else knows, then why can't I, Jimin?" I raised my voice. Jimin was still dragging me by my arm, down a hallway. I had no idea where we were going, because this was not the way to the gym. "Because it happened a while ago. You weren't involved." He said, starting to raise his voice too. I stopped in my tracks and yanked my arm away from his hand. "Well I'm involved now, Jimin. Even if it happened a while ago, it's effecting the friendship that I have with you guys today. If the rest of the guys understand, it's only right if I know the problem too. I'm worried and concerned, not only for Jungkook, but for you too, Jimin." I said to him. He stood there in complete awe, surprised that I even wanted to get myself involved. "I think we should cancel our work out session today and talk about this. How does that sound?" I asked him, bothered about the situation.

   He slowly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed his head on my shoulder, then tightened his grip around me and whispered in my ear. "That sounds like a great idea."


Hey guys! So I was eating an apple (I cut it into really tiny pieces to make it last longer) and I was drinking some cranberry juice. Just in case you were wondering :)

Today I was listening to a lot of Sleeping At Last (he's probably one of my favorite American artist. He would probably be ranked number two, next to BTS, since BTS is always my number one). One of my favorite songs by him in particular is called Turning Page. You should go check it out!


Bye! Love youuu!

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