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        I was born on a cold, romantic morning.  It was Valentine's Day in 1983.  My dad was in the Marines, so I was born on a military base in North Carolina, where he was stationed at the time.  My parents moved back to Detroit when I was still a baby.  They had ten children together, five girls and five boys.  Their so called love story is, they met at the carnival.  I guess it was love at first sight, because two weeks after they met, they were married.  My mother was 19 and my dad was 20, and that's when all of the kids started coming along.

        There is Kanitha, the first born.  She received some devastating news at the age of eleven.  My parents told her, that our dad was not her real father.  I remember thinking how lucky she was.  I wanted her to pack up and move in with her real family.  She deserved a better life to me.  But my parents never pursued it.  After they told her, they never mentioned it again, another thing to sweep under the rug, because it was never brought up again, and my dad just continued to raise her as his own.

        It may sound weird, but we have never known anything about our parents history.  They never hung out with friends that they grew up with.  At least most children knew what schools their parents went to.  We know absolutely nothing about them.  Of course we know that my dad was in the Marines, but that's about it.  My mother is a mystery.  There are no pictures of them when they were younger.  We never heard any funny or embarassing stories about them, nothing.  As far as we know our parents could have been in the witness protection program, or on the run.  The only thing that can be proven about them, is their names.  

        My sister, being the oldest, was always my inspiration.  To me, she was a Black Nubian Queen.  She had deep, dark, chocolate skin.  She always had long, beautiful, shoulder length, jet black hair.  The one thing Kanitha had that she hated, was a gap between her two front teeth.  Even though she thought it made her ugly, it was the most beautiful gap, attached to an even more beautiful smile. I often wondered where she came from, and why she was so gorgeous.  She is smart and driven, she is my everything.  I wanted to be just like her, and still even to this day.

        Then there is me, Jamie DeAnn, I am the second oldest.  I believe I was always treated the worst out of everyone, I was the Blacksheep so to speak, which I could never understand.  My parents and my whole family, I felt hated me.  They treated me like a stray dog.  I was also named after two of my aunts, Jamie is my mother's youngest sister, and DeAnn is my father's youngest sister.  Even though I was named after two beautiful women, they never gave a fuck about either.  I'll go into details later!

        Larry was born next, he was the first boy.  Now my brother was a little off as a child.  For some reason he was always violent, and mean.  He had a thing for torturing cats in the neighborhood.  I remember one time he took a cat by the tail, and banged his head up against the wall numerous times.  He didn't stop until the cat had blood running from his nose and mouth.  Eventually, the cat stopped moving and by brother threw it outside somewhere.  He got into fights all the time at school, and also with all of the siblings in our household.  He was always mad, just like my dad.

        My next sibling was Princejames.  He was the silly one when we were young.  My brother PJ, for short, had a problem with showing his body parts.  He would always pull his pants down, no matter where we were.  He was un circumcised and proud of it.

        The fifth child was my brother Lawrence.  He was the pretty boy of the group.  He was funny, cool, and laid back.  He had a passion for the girls, and they loved him since he was a young boy.  He had beautiful facial features, long eye lashes, nice full lips, and a conceited attitude to go along with it.

        'Then my sister Lori, was born.  She had a bad case of Asthma, just like my dad.  She had to take medication all of her life, which was usually steroids.  By her taking the meds, it kept her at a pretty heavy weight.  She always felt like she wasn't beautiful enough, but what she lacked in the looks department, God made up for in personality.  Lori was and still is, the life of the party wherever she went.  She's funny, and she cares alot about people.  We almost lost my baby sis a few times.  Her Asthma was so bad, she had frequent attacks.   couple of times, she went so long without oxygen, that she would pass out.  Twice I remember her falling in a coma for weeks due to the lack of air for so long.  Over the years, Lori and I bacame best friends.  We are the closest I think.

        My brother Lionelle was then born to my parents.  He was the book worm.  He always did well in school, and wanted a better life for himself.  He was so quiet, a lot of times we forgot he was there.  He was always in his own little world, drawing and creating some sort or masterpiece.

        My sister Latedra was next to be added to our little family.  Oh my God was Tete silly.  She made our tough times better for a minute.  She was a character, worst than any of my brothers.  She was the jokster and the comedian.  Tete and I were considered identical twins.  Even though we are eight years apart.  We look just alike, our voices even sound the same, we are the same person, just years apart.

        Next was the baby boy, LaTraile.  He was the last boy, and he of course was one of the favorites.  Traile to me, was spoiled and he was a cy baby mama's boy, who always got his way.  He was mean and evil just like my brother Larry, just a little less violent.  I don't think my brother ever liked or loved me, I don't even think he considered me his sister.  For a while, I didn't live in the hme, and Traile was a baby.  So I believe, he didn't know me that well.  Therefore, I never felt as though we were related.

        Last, but not least, there was the baby girl LaFonda, we called her by her middle name, Maggie.  She was a lot like Traile, just a female version.  She was spoiled, and got away with murder.  She had cute, fat cheeks, deep dimples that you can see even when she's not even smiling, and she used that to her advanage.  Laer when she got older, like in her teens, she started acted out in the same way I did, but my parents never abused her and treated her like shit like they did me.  She ended up acting out worst then I did, but was still never punished.  I'll get back to this little heffa later in the story.

        I know that was alot of kids to read about, hell I got tired just describing us to you guys, LOL.  My mother was pregnant every year, sometimes twice a year for thirteen years in a row.  I believe she had two miscarriages, one of which happened right in front of us, as we watched the paramedics carry our then brother or sister away in a ziplock bag.  It was nothing but a bag of blood and guts.  I remember thinking, they were going to come back, and the baby would look normal, but that didn't happen.  She also had one abortion that we knew of.

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