Chapter 8: Blue Box

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Rainbow Dash sat in the courtroom in her normal seat. Fluttershy and Cadence's pictures had red Xs over them. Lunar Nightmare watched with amusement, thinking that the murderer might get away. "What have we gotten so far?" Doctor asked.

"We think that she was positioned, she wasn't hurt on the outside." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, we can't prove that for certain. We don't even have a clue as to who did it in the first place!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Everypony, one at a time, tell where you were at the time of the murder." Shining Armor said.

"I was with Scootaloo. We were at the Pegasus flying course." Rainbow Dash said.

"I was with Pinkie Pie, she said that she was making a muffin for me!" Derpy said.

"I was with Sweetie Belle, we were playing in the dining hall." Applebloom said.

"I was trying to help Shining Armor recover after Twilight's death." Doctor said.

"I was helping Rarity design some dresses. For when we leave." Trixie said.

"I was waiting outside of Cadence's door, like I was told. When she didn't come out..." Diamond Tiara said quietly.

"You were the pony who screamed?" Rarity asked.

"Yes." Diamond Tiara said.

"How do we know that Diamond Tiara wasn't the pony who killed her?" Trixie asked.

"Because I know that the death took a long time to kill Cadence," Rainbow Dash said, "like Lunar told me."

"Lunar, is this true?" Doctor asked.

"Hm? Yes. I saw her and told her that everypony's talents were the key." Lunar Nightmare said.

"Talents? What do our talents have to do with anything?" Rarity asked.

"It has to do with everything. Don't you see? The pony who can be in several places at once. Who can do that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"The Ultimate Time Lord!" Sweetie Belle shouted. The Doctor simply smiled. "Rainbow, I knew you could do it! It was me. Lunar Nightmare gave me a Tardis, but it was tampered with. I could only go where she allowed me to. I poisoned Cadence's breakfast, I knew what she was eating because I've seen it before. I had to wait quite a while, but it was worth it! I guess I must be executed now?" Doctor confessed.

"Indeed. I've got one planned out just for you!" Lunar said.

Execution: Blue Box

Lunar Nightmare pulled out the hammer and slammed it onto the button. The familiar Luna came from the left, and Nightmare Moon dragged The Doctor away on the right. 'Doctor Whooves has been found guilty, may the execution commence!' The Doctor stepped up from his seat and proudly walked into his execution room.

Blue phone booths were around the circle room. It was a roulette style of execution. Doctor open one of them, nothing happened. He opened another, nothing. This pattern kept going until there were two left. He opened one and, nothing. Has he truly evaded his execution? He thought so until a gun came out of every phone booth and shot The Doctor from all sides.

Rainbow Dash made her way back to the flying course. She hoped to escape from this mess by flying. She didn't know that it only got worse from there.

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