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Hiya, everypony! Pokegirl here again! You may be wondering, "Who in Equestria is Shining Star?" If you've read the prequel, The Filly of Shadows, you would know. Check it out if you haven't yet! Also, before people star freaking out over the cliff hanger, there will be a sequel! Ok? Calm down. It just won't have the Dangan Ronpa theme to it. Before you start hating about that, listen. It's for a good reason. CupcakeFireDR is currently writing a Dangan Ronpa MLP fanfic as well, so if you want that, read it. It's in my Stuffs you should Read reading list if you can't find it. Now, for the sequel, it will be based off of The Holders creepypastas. It will be ALOT longer than anything else I've been writing. Also, Spike will be in it! So that's a plus! All 538 or something objects will be included as well as a cameo by another character in another series. So buckle your pants and check back soon for the release of The Holders MLP!

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