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Hi guys... I am back... 😊😊😊 with a good news... our story is now in rank #6. Wow..!!!! Thanks alot frnds... love you all.!!!!

Precap: Arjun proposal to Meher, Abeer jealousy. Abeer- Meher dance. Abeer goes in anger.

Abeer was sitting on top of his car with a beer bottle, fully drunken.
He closed his eyes.....


M: Abeer please... please..for me.

A: No way Meher... I wont do...

M: but why..? Its our sangeet, then who else will dance expect us... you yourself says you are a great dancer then what is the problem Abeer.?

A: Meher.. thats different... pair dance is one thing i never did...i cant please..

M: Ok.. then I will go and dance with anyone else... and yes, please find another bride to marry you tommorrow... i wont ve there.

She turned back to go, but he helx her wrist. She smiled lighltly but acted as angry.

M: What.. leave me...

A:  My would be wife is angry and how i will leave her...

He pulled her towards him.
But still she was angry.

A: Ok fine.. we will dance.... hapoy now..?

M: ahh!!!😺😺😺😺 promise ?

A: Yeah promise...

M: Thank you abeer...you are the best.. love you..

She gave a quick peck on his cheeks and ran from there.

Abeer touched his cheek where she kissed. 

A: That day you forced me to dance with you... and today you have pain in dancing with me.... why Meher... you are very bad , even if I was wrong, you should have slapped me and correct me but when i asked to leave me, you just left....no no... you cant leave me like that... you cant...

He took the car and went off.

Meher was sitting in the car closing her eyes. Driver was driving the car.
She felt uneasy for today's events.

"Hello, I am Abeer..."

"From now we are friends..."

" Will you marry me? "


"You are my reason for life now..."

" GO away from my life...go..."

" I HATE YOU!!!"

"ABEER!!!"  She screamed in sleep.

Driver: Mam... are you okay ?

M: Ah... sorry... we can move...

Dri: Okay mam...

She sat back leaning to the seat. After sometime, she reached home and took a shower with lone tears. She came back and looked the moon,through the window.

Suddenly her phone rang...

Caller ID : Abeer

She took the call.

M: Hello...

A: Open the door..

M: What..

A: Open the door...else i will climb up to your window as before....

Saying this he cut the call. She rushed to the door and found Abeer in fully drunken state...

M: Abeer... what is this... come inside..

A: Heyy!!! Dont order me... request me.. understand...

Meher closed his mouth and dragged him to her room, closing the door behind.

M: What type of joke is this Abeer...are you aware of the time? And how dare you drive the car alone in this state... if anything bad happens?

A: Happens ? What..? Who cares... no one... no one cares... not even you...

M: Abeer...!!!

A: Shut up... now I will speak... i am alone... alone... i am tired of this life... do you know something... the second you left me... you took all my happiness and peace with you. From that day to last night I never slept peacefully... do you know... !!! Even if we had small fights, I enjoyed it everytime... but now I am alone... alone...

He fell down to the floor, with teary eyes... she too had tears hearing him.. she sat down opposite to him...

A: I know I was wrong. I played with your feelings... tortured you... but when I came to know about the truth, I wanted you to be free from that hell... I wanted you to move on... so I did even worse things to you... so that you hate me... and leave me...
     But I cant Meher... I cant live without you..  I... I love you... And I want you... only I have right on you, no one else...
      (  cupping her face ) I love you Meher..  and I am sorry.. I am sorry for all my mistakes... please please forgive me... please...

Meher was still... it took time to understand what was happening...

M; ( smirking) If... If you kept your ego beside and said this sorry before... now we would have been living together happily Abeer... but its too late.. too late..

She stood up to go, he held her wrist tightly.....

Long chapter na..😁😁😁
So as I am back.. i will give regular updates. And taking about this story.. It has crossed almost have portion... and I am very happy with the response... It is my best story, I could say..  thank you all...

And the authors here... I will soon read your pending works.. give me some time..😊😊😊

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