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* flashback continues... *

Kajal and Ram were walking thtough the streets.

R: That was nice you asked them to the other direction, they will also get the time to enjoy so as we...😉

K: Hm.. They are little bit uncomfortable I felt... so I asked them to go to the other direction.

R: Kajal..

K: hmm...

R: They did love marriage na..

K: What.... you are asking me this... you were the one who told me first about their love...

R: Yes,.. but... I dont know why... I feel like they are not happy. Before marriage, whenever I saw them there was blissfull smile in their faces... but from the day after the marriage, I never saw  them smile. Even now, when Meher fell down, Abeer was just standing there without any emotion...
   I feel something wrong...

K: What you said is correct. I also felt that. But I think its because the sudden marriage. Sudden responsibilites and all... Maybe thats why...

R: hmm.. Maybe...

Both Ram and Kajal was not satisfied with the answer. They knew something else was bothering them.

Abeer and Meher were walking scilently. There were so many crafts shops.. she admired everything there.. while Abeer was in thoughts..


Meher terrified the voice. She saw a man with long black hat and gown, looks like a magician . Abeer came front while Meher moved towards his back.

" Hello younge couples... Its me, your well wisher, who can fullfill , not all, but one wish...😜,  So ready for the game...?"

Meher found it intresting. A smile
creeped on her lips and she came forward. Abeer understood she has an intrest to try it.

A: Ok..

Mag: Thank You Younge Couple... Please come inside...

They get inside and found a dark room with a dim light. A table in the centre with a shiny glass globe ,like we see in fantasy movies. They sat in opposite to the magician...

Mag: So, I can grant a wish of one of you directly and other's will be granted undirectly. Today I wish to fullfill one of your wish younge man....
     Keep your hands in over this magic globe, close your eyes and make a wish....!!!

He kept his palms over the globe and closed his eyes...
  "I want to know the truth of my sister's marriage... "

Mag : Now you can open your eyes...

He slowly opened his eyes and took off his hands.

Mag: Mr, your wish will be completed before tommorrow evening. But for that you should do something...

A: What...

Mag: Ask your life-partner... 😏
        Grand her three wishes before today midnight,then your wish will be full-filled...!!!

He looked at Meher, who had a victory smile on her face...

A: If it didnt happen ??

Mag: This is my place, You can find me here whenever you want...

Abeer nodded and gave him some money. Later they came out and stood at the street...

A: Soo...?

M: So...?

A: Tell me your first wish Mrs. Abeer... 😏

Meher smirked at him and thought for a while...

M: Shopping!!!

A: Go on... buy whatever you want, I have my card with me...

M: I dont want your card Mr.Husband... I have my money to buy whatever I want..

A: Then whats the problem...

M: My first wish is, I want you to carry all my shopping bags until we reach our cottage.

A: What!!!😳

M: Yes...

He kept his hands on hips and started throw angry looks at her.
She smirked proudly and walked ahead...

M: My second wish... I want to go on a bike ride now with you...

A: Bike ?? We came in flight not bike...

M: Thats not my problem...

He stabbed on the ground inftustration and asked a man who came with bike then. Fortunatly he let him his bike 😋

M: My third wish...!!! This will be hard for you...

A: Nothing is Impossible for me... Its Abeer...!!! Just tell me what you want...

M: Not now, after reaching the cottage....

After one hour of enjoyment both the couples met at the same place. Ram noticed the happiness in Meher's face and felt glad that his wife's idea worked...
       While kajal burst out of laughing seeing his brother with hand full of shopping bags, the same brother who doesnt even like to take a small cover.

The remaining day passed with so much fun. They visited many places. After the dinner, they went to their cottage as everyone was craving to get some sleep.

Meher came out after the shower and saw her hubby already landed on bed...

M: Abeer.. you forgot something...

Abeer opened his eyes and looked at her...

M: My third wish...

He hit his own head and stood up with arms crossed.
Meher came near to him, too close that they had only a little space between them...

M: ah.. Abeer.. that... I...

Seeing her stammer, Abeer flet wierd and took a serious look on her... waiting her to speak out...

M: Ah.. Can I.. ( taking a deep breath ) Can we share.... 

Abeer put down his hands and looked at her in amazement...

A: ( mind voice) Share what...😓

M: Can we share the bed from today...

A: What....😳🙄

M: yeah... My back is paining so much by laying on the couch... please...

A: Thats all...?

M: hmm...

Abeer felt a dissapointment, as he thought, she must be asking him something else...( likee 😚) 🙈

He moved back to the bed. Took the small cusions and kept it in the center. Meher looked at his actions..

M: What are you doing..

A: This is my side and thats yours.. dont try break this boundary. If you break,then from next day you will be in couch... understood ??

Meher nodded . He laid on his side and covered his face with the quilt. She laughed at his cuteness.

Happy onam friends....
I had a heavy meal right now...😌

I am.sorry i cldnt rply to all ur cmts yesterday as i was lil bit tierd. Tdy I will rply for sure...

Once again happy onam... dtay safe and healthy, keep smiling..😘😘😘

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