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Abeer couldnt even blink his eyes. He sat still for few moments.
Meher is pregnent.. I am going to become a father.

Soon his lips curved into a smile filled with excitement. Unknowingly his eyes filled with tears... A beautiful feeling that he never experianced before... yes... he is a Father now..

He screamed with happiness... thanking the doctor he ran outside but stopped at the door..

A: Please dont tell Meher now.. let me inform her please..

The doctor nodded. She has seen the happiness of so many "would be fathers". But this was a variety. No one screamed like this that too with tears...  he is complicated...

Within 5 mins Abeer came back with sweet boxes. He entered Meher's room. She was still sleeping. A nurse was beside her. He gave the sweet boxes to the nurse and asked her to take one and also distributed to others. The nurse left leaving them alone.

He went near and sat beside her, giving a small kiss on her forehead. His touch made her open her eyes...

Seeing the smiling face, her lips also curved to a faint smile. She tried to wake up and he helped her. After she sat properly he gave a sudden bone crushing to her. She was surprised by his action. She could feel small drops of water ( probably from his eyes ) fell on her shoulder.

" Thank you "

He mumbled. He broke the hug looking at her confused face.. she took her and hand and placed it on her abdomen. She looked at his face, more confused...

" Jr. Abeer/ Jr. Meher is on the way... "

Meher looked at him in disbelief, with watery eyes...

"What...? "

They looked at the door hearing the voice and found Kajal and Ram at the doorstep. Kajal now has a small baby bump too.

Kajal ran towards her without caring of her state. She hugged Meher and then Abeer. Ram came in with a happy face and congratulated Abeer..

K: I cant belive.. I not dreaming na..

A: No.. If you want proof I will pinch you...

K: No..

He pinched her .

K: ouch..!!! Abeer...

Ram giggled at the sibbilings. He noticed Meher, with no any expressions. Was she sad or happy.. he didnt knew.

K: Look.. God itself want you both to be happy together.. thats why he gave you this gift...

Abeer struck with the reality, the bitter truth... that they are no more together...  He looked at her, still sitting with zero emotions.

After a while Kajal and Ram went to home while Abeer went to drop Meher at house. The drive so scilent.
He wanted to break it.. he took a deep breath and started the conversation.

A: Meher...

M: Abeer, do we need this baby...

He pressed the break suddenly and looked at her.

A: WHAT...!!! What the hell are you saying Meher.. are you mad..

M: Yes I am...I am mad... I am...

A: Meher.. Meher...

She didnt listened. She was in some other world mumbling I dont want this baby...
Finally he shook her sholders to bring her back..

A: Meher.. Meher look at me...
     I know you are angry with me.. but what did that innocent soul did... it was all my fault not that baby's who has not even seen the world.. please dont punish it... you can kill me if you want.. but dont you dare harm my child ( serious tone ) I want my baby safe and healthy...

That was the point Meher burst out to cry. He dragged her to him and patted her back giving a small peck on her hairs...

Its sunny today...💃💃🌄🌄 finally the rain stopped... thank you all for the concern n care... and also i remind you about the CMDRF...

And about the story...
    I know all of you are angry on Abeer... I just want to say think from his side too. I am not on his side... as he is wrong. But I assure you from now.. you will start to love him...😇😇

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