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It was night... Meher was waiting for them in her house. Soon she heard a sound of car.

M: Dad.. sleep if i come late okay...

Dad: Ok.. enjoy..

She gave a faint smile and opened the door. Kajal and Ram entered the house. Abeer was parking their car.
They took blessings from Prakash.

P: How are you children..?

K: We are good uncle.. and you...?

P: I am fine... ah.. Abeer..?

A: I am here Dad...

They turned and found Abeer at the door.He bend down to take blessings from Prakash.

After a small chit chat they went to the car and started... kajal and ram in front and meher and abeer in back seat...

After a small drive they reached the destination. The bridge was lighted well...

They saw a younge couple proposing there....

K: Ah.. I think we should stay in the car for sometime.. is it Ram..?

He nodded. Meher was totally drowned in the sight. A boy kneeling before a girl with a flower in his hand...

* Flashback*

M: Abeer.. what are you doing.. leave my eyes Abeer..

A: Shut up!!!

M: Abeer.. where are u taking me in this night...

A: Wait n watch...!!!

M: Abeer...

A: finally... i am leaving ur eyes but dont open until I say... ok..

M: hm.. okay..

A: ok..now slowly open ur eyes...

She slowly opened her eyes and found Abeer kneeling before her, with a ring in his hand...

M: Abeer....

A: I love you Meher... will you marry me..💃💍

M: Abeer...( tears rolling down)

A: I am taking your scilence as a yes. 

He took her hand and made her wear the ring...


She opened her eyes and looked at the ring. A teardrop escaped....

K: Meher... Meher..

M: Ah...

K: What r u thinking.. come out..

She nodded and went out.

Abeer's Pov
I know what where you thinking....

They four went to the end of the bridge. Kajal and Ram turned to both of them.

R: We want to tell you something...

A: What bava...

K: Ah.. (blushing) ah.. you.. you both are going to become uncle and aunt.


They both screamed in unison. Kajal nodded... Abeer hugged kajal in happiness and then Ram. Meher went near Kajal and kissed her forehead.

M: congrats Kajal.. I am soo happy...

A: So this was ur surprise..😏..

R: Absolutly..,!!!

After a small chit chat...

K: Ram..

R: hmm?

K: Ahn. Ice cream ?( puppy face..)

R: Now!!! No way..

K: pleaseeeeeeeee !!!

R: ah.. Ok.. come.. you both stay here

They both stood up from the seat.

M: ah..( stood up)

She was stopped by Abeer. She looked at him...

A: Give them some time Meher...

She nodded and looked at the happy couple... she turned back to view the lake.. she didnt noticed Abeer in behind. So she collided with him....

They share an eyelock... dont know why... Meher's eyes were teary ..
He slowly cupped her face and wiped the tear....  but this time she coudlnt control... his touch made her weak. She hugged him and cried... He too hugged her back... resting his chin on her head....

Kajal rested at Ram's shoulder and viewed the scene from a little distance.

K; I told na Ram... no one can seperate them... its all their ego... and missunderstandings...

R: And we will help them to overcome that ...

She nodded and smiled..

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