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Next morning...

Meher opened her eyes when the morning rays disturbed her sleep. She streached her hands while yawing. Just the she felt a weight on her body.. she looked herself, one leg over her legs and and one hand holding her waist tightly. She looked at the owner of the legs and hands... there he lies, eyes closed, hair fallen on his face, sleeping peacefully.
She gently caressed his hairs.. and took off fastly. Its time for a little play. She made a serious face and tapped on his shoulder.

A: Kajal please... 5 more minutes...

She again tapped and he opened his eyes in anger.

A: Whats your probl--

He saw her too close than expected. He soon took off his hands and legs from her and turned to other side.

A: See.. you crossed the limit..

M: Excuse me.. you crossed the limit not me...

A: whatever... Its all because of you only because of you...

M: What..

He stood up and ran to washroom, mumbling something while meher laughed at him.

Later the couple where in resturent having their breakfast. Ram and Abeer went out to enquire about the nearby places, leaving the girls in the cottage.

R: Abeer..

A: yes bava...

R: Everything is okay between you both na..

Abeer was scilent for sometime.

A: Bava..  may I ask you something...

R: Yes.. ask...

A: I kajal is very happy with you. She is an innocent soul, loves everyone whole-heartedly. You are happy with her na... I mean, can you love her someday...I know your marriage was done so fast , so it will take time and --

R: Abeer, please... I love her soo much and she to loves me.. dont worry about her life. Until my last breath, I will look after her like a queen...

Abeer smiled and gave a warm hug. He could only do that. While hugging, his eyes stuck on someone.. a familer face..

A: Mahesh..!!!

R: What...

A: Mahesh, there..

Ram looked behind and found him walking...

A: I need him...

Abeer ran behind him.

R: Abeer wait...

Ram to followed..

But they lost Mahesh in the crowd. Abeer was dissappointed and turn back and hit someone.

"Oh.. sorry "

A: Its Ok-- , You ??

It was non other that Mahesh.
Abeer caught his collar and took him to a corner . Ram lost Abeer in the croud.

A: I was looking for you, I wished to kill you with my hands to spoil my sister's life. But now I feel relived to have Ram in her life. She doesnt deserve you.

Mahesh smiled a bit.

M: Yeah you are correct. I dont deserve her. I liked her so much.. but she is not meant to me, thats why she loved Ram, and thats why she got a friend like Meher.

Abeer released his hands from collar.

M: I am jealous of Ram.. but happy too, kajal got a perfect life partner. When Meher told me about Kajal's love for Ram,  I felt the world turning upside down around me. But then I realised, she should live with the man she loves. But I was sure, our familes wont allow that, So it was all my plan to get them married. And Meher helped me soo much, she made sure that no one, including Kajal and Ram should not get to know our plan...

Abeer stood there stunned. For a moment, he was like a statue. It took time to digest what was going on...

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