Never Let Them Hurt You

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Chapter Nine.
Title from Vampires Will Never Hurt You by My Chemical Romance.

Frank was having a panic attack, I knew that's what it was. I knew because he couldn't breathe, and it was almost like that time he had a nightmare in the car and got sick.
He was clawing at his chest and gasping, looking more like a fish out of water than a person.
He wasn't crying as much anymore, mostly because I think he was trying to breathe.

"Frank, it's okay, I promise" I assured him, still distanced from him. He met my eyes with his tear filled ones that put that familiar ping in my chest. It squeezed my lungs.

Frank eventually calmed down more, after about ten minutes. I wasn't sure what to do, I wasn't sure what to say. I felt terrible for that.
I wanted nothing more than to help him, to make sure he never felt like that again. I would rather him be happy than anything else in the world.

"T-they know by now" he spoke in a hoarse tone "are they going to tell.. are they going to tell the guy that hired you?" He asked, still seemingly out of breath and tearful.

I wondered that myself. I wondered if they would, but part of me felt like they'd try to hide it and get the job done alone so money won't have to be returned. Then again, if the guy could be useful to finding us, they might tell him.

"I don't know" I said honestly "I think they would only tell him if they could use him to find us" I finished.

Franks breathing picked up a bit.
I could see his fear, he was scared of more than death.

"Frank, I'll never let them hurt you, I promise" I said as he met my eyes. He nodded, surely feeling the sincerity. I did this much to keep him alive, I would never let anyone hurt him.

Is there really a way to truly prevent him from being hurt forever? To make sure they never find us? What if they never stop looking?

It was a sudden rush of anger I felt. Anger for the man that wanted Frank dead, anger for Miss Florence and for myself. Anger for everyone in the world but Frank.
Anger because the world could be so cruel to Frank. Anger because he had to cry. Anger because he's had to struggle so much when he's done nothing wrong. Anger at God, if he was real, because Frank is the purest person I've had the honor of knowing.



"I don't know what he wants you dead for but can I kill him?" I rushed out, watching his eyes widen.

He didn't know what to say, I knew that.

"Y-you would do that?" He asked, in a very small voice as if he didn't believe me.

"I want to, I want to kill him for wanting you dead" I said, studying his expression to see whether he would agree or not. "Maybe I can go kill Miss Florence and the others too, everyone that's after us so we don't have to hide for the rest of our lives" I said, watching him raise an eyebrow.

"Well how many of them are there? Do you think we can take them out and make it out alive?" He asked, pulling his legs away from his chest and sitting with his legs crossed on his bed.

I'm weary about him saying 'we'
I'm weary because that could put him in danger, if he went with me to do all this stuff.
"I don't want you to get hurt" I told him.

His eyes widened a little bit and he sat back against the wall "if we go down we'll go down together" he said so sincerely that it hurt. "It sounds stupid, but you're all I have left in this world. That sounds insane.. but if you don't make it out of there I don't want to either. We can be.."

"Partners in crime?" I finished his sentence, watching him give me one of his rare smiles. "Okay.. then we'll do it.. together" I agreed, flashing him a smile though I was nervous.
Perhaps this is what we were meant to do.

"Now we need a plan" he said.

I nodded at him, chewing at my lip for a moment before speaking "I don't know anything about the guy that hired me to kill you, do you?" I asked.

Frank seemed to tense up for a moment before he shook his head "not even his name.. I know he hired you because I had made a police report and the cops were trying to find him. All I know is what he looks like" he explained, biting his lip as he avoided my eyes. I felt bad.

I wanted to know why Frank had to file the report, but I didn't want to know at the same time. I'll get justice for him whatever it was.
"Okay, well I know Miss Florence kept the files, so we can stop there and finish that business first then we can steal the file and find where he is.. and finish him" I planned it out, watching him nod gently.
"I have three guns and a few knives, and plenty of ammo" I told him. "Do you know how to shoot?" I asked.

Frank instantly shook his head.

"I'll do the killing, but you need to learn just in case you need to use it. I'll teach you." Frank agreed, giving me another smile, I felt lucky.
I couldn't stop the erratic beating of my heart when he did that.

"How many days should we wait?" He asked rather softly.

"Let's get a new motel room tonight just to switch things up.. and maybe give ourselves a week to get everything ready? We might want to switch up our look so we can be out of the motel room easier" I said, standing up from my bed and beginning to fumble around with my bag.

"Does that mean we get to get new clothes and shave our heads and stuff?" He asked, amused. I smiled over at him, finding a smile on his face.

"Do you want to shave your head?" I asked with a small laugh.

Frank shrugged, bringing his fingertips to his messy hair. "Can we dye yours?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

If he didn't look so cute, I would've said no.
If he didn't make me feel weak, and my heart feel full I would've said 'No way, Frank, never'
"Why not?" I said instead, hating it and loving it at the same time because it was his idea.
"If.." I started "we get you something to wear besides that hoodie" I chuckled.

Frank gave me a sort of playful pout that made my heart beat so fast it almost hurt.
"Sure" he agreed with a shrug.

I think we both knew I wasn't going to force him to wear short sleeves. It was going to be comfortable for him, and at this point I think he knows and understands that all I want is for him to be safe and happy.

I felt like this is what we are supposed to do. It's the only way to truly protect him.

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