Brains Against The Ceiling

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Chapter Sixteen.
Title from Headfirst For Halos by My Chemical Romance.

I ran for him, trying to support his head as it fell back. "No. No. No. Frank please, please don't die, please" I cried, I screamed. I have to get him out of here. I have to.

I was filled with pain, with anger, with everything. I felt like I could pass out, the sounds we're so dim compared to what I saw, the world around me was a blur.
I felt tears on my face as I gasped.
I was bent down beside him.

This is my chance.

I reached into my pocket, holding the gun with my finger on the trigger I turned around while she least expected it.
One second later, her head was in fragments. Her blood sprayed on the walls, brain matter splattering everywhere.

I didn't even hesitate before grabbing Frank, supporting him as I lifted him up bridal style. I needed to support his head in case there was more vomit.
I could hear his shallow breathing.

He needs to get out of here now.

I cried as I opened the door, immediately running into Ray.
His eyes widened as he saw Frank, he pressed a finger to his lips.

"I'll get him out of here, you won't make it, they'll kill you in a second. I'll take him to the hospital, it's okay" he rushed, grabbing in from me as I sobbed into him for a moment.
Do I trust Ray enough to do this?

I placed my hand on Franks cold face, my fingertips falling on his hair for the last moment before Ray ran with him.

I have to finish this.
I have to kill all of them.

I ran back into Miss Florence's office, stepping over her corpse as I opened her filing cabinet.
I flipped through the I's until I landed on Frank Iero. I opened it with my trembling hands for just a moment until I saw the picture, knowing for sure it was him.
I grabbed it and ran out of the office, entering the hall that overlooked the lobby area.

Immediately I saw people rushing out of the basement, guns in hand.
They heard the shot that killed Miss Florence.
Maybe they think I'm dead, but maybe they think she is.

I crouched down against the railing, aiming my gun out between the bars.
I closed one eye as I aimed, shooting and killing one more person.

There's seven more.

I aimed and shot at another but I missed, and then with another I hit the leg, causing the guy to fall.
It didn't take but a moment for them to figure out where I was, so I got up, running close to the wall to another point where I crouched down and shot two more people, the one shot in the leg and a woman that was helping him.

Now there's five more, but only two more are in the lobby.

I stood up to shoot the last two, and then I ran out of ammo, so I grabbed the other gun, leaving the one in my hand on the ground.

With the new gun, I ran to the stairs and began to run down before a bullet hit right behind me. Someone is shooting at me. From where?

I dropped down onto the stairs, looking in every way to find who it was. Another bullet hit beside me, causing me to get up and run the rest of the way down.
I ran to the left side of the stairs, using the stairs for cover as I aimed my gun out from the side.

Two people were hiding behind the wall that lead to the dining area. They had to have been the ones that shot at me.
I aimed my gun and shot, hitting the wall beside them instead. The next shot actually killed one of them, causing the other to run.

I quickly ran after her, following her as she ran into the dining room. She shut the doors behind her, so I pushed them open. As they swung I saw her under the table, crying.
As I felt bad, I remembered that she was just trying to kill me. She was on the wrong side.

I shot her, making sure to hit her head so she would die quickly and painlessly.

There's one more person that I have to kill.

I cautiously moved through the hall, my gun pointed in case I saw anyone but I didn't.
I suspected that the last person was hiding in a room, so I pushed open every door I came across and inspected it.

I was worried that one actually got away until I came across one of the bathrooms. The door was closed and locked.

I took a deep breath before shooting the doorknob, hearing the man inside screaming as I kicked the door open.

What a monster I am.
I'm a filthy, disgusting, terrible monster but I can't risk it. I can't let one live, he could be the one to come and find Frank and I in the future.

I closed my eyes as I shot him.


I cried the entire way to the hospital, I cried as I saw Ray waiting outside.
It didn't look good. Not at all.

"Ray" I called, running towards him.

I can't lose him. I can't lose him. I told him I couldn't lose him and he told me that I wouldn't.
Fuck. I'm so in love with him.
Without Frank there's no way I can go on, there's no way.

"Gerard" he said as I approached him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"F-Frank, where is he? Please tell me he's okay" I cried, my chest heaving as I coughed. I could die here, my heart might climb out of my mouth right here.

"Gerard, calm down" he spoke to me, grabbing my arm.

"No! Tell me if he's okay!" I demanded, raising my voice as I cried.

"Gerard" he started "Franks okay"

I felt so relieved that I was dizzy, even after all of this I felt like I might pass out.

"He's in critical condition.. no one is allowed in to see him yet. They're pumping his stomach right now and after that they said he should be okay. They told me that if he had been in five minutes later he would've been dead" he explained, offering me a smile. "Did you get everything taken care of?" He asked discreetly.

I took a deep breath, placing a hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, but I'll need you to get cleanup crew. They won't care, will they?" I asked, watching him shake his head.

"They aren't part of her group, as long as they get paid for it, they won't care who died or how" he told me, looking me up and down for a moment "I think you should go" he whispered to me.

"What? Why? Frank is-"

"You're covered in blood" he interrupted, causing me to look around us. At least we're outside, and no one is around, even then it is a hospital.

"Ah, right" I stepped back from him.

"Frank is okay" he reassured me again "I'll stay here with him" he said.

Frank is okay.
Frank is okay but his business isn't finished, not in the slightest. There's more to be done, and next time I see him, I want to be able to reassure him that everything is fine and taken care of.

I need to kill the man who wanted him dead.

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